On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 11:17 AM, Jukka K. Korpela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 >  "Usually" is a strong word, but I guess you are referring to some
 >  particular browsing conditions.

 Firstly, thank you for the input Jukka, and my apology for replying late.

 Yes, I wrote the whole message in a more general way. Strictly
 speaking, I was asking whether this situation could happen. Imagine
 the following style rule:

 div {
     background: #dedede url(someimage.jpg) no-repeat top left;

 Assuming that there are not any CSS caveats in the code, could the
 browser say, successfully download the image _but_ fail to render the
 background color?

 >  Is there a URL for a page that has such a rule and fails to render the
 >  background color?

 A user on a mailing list I'm subscribed to supplied these images as
 screenshots from Wikipedia, but the actual page is no longer exists,
 so I can't for sure prove the validity of his claim:


 The page once has a white background color, and once a gray one.

 >  But I don't think a browser could just casually fail to render the
 >  background color for a reason comparable to failure to use background
 >  image because it is not available due to network congestion, for
 >  example. If the style sheet is external, the browser might fail to get
 >  it _at all_.

 Could it fail for any other reason, provided the CSS file has been
 downloaded and is strictly valid?

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