> On Tue, May 6, 2008 at 1:19 PM, Kathy Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   If the body declaration is at the top of the style sheet and
>   everything is syntactically correct  I'd be suspicious that the style
>   sheet itself is not loading - which usually comes back to path or
>   filename mismatch issues.
>   Again this is only speculation without a live URL to check ...
>   Good luck,
>   KathyW.
  Thanks Kathy. The assumption is that a CSS file is strictly valid and
  was downloaded successfully. So far from your Jukka's reply and yours
  as well, it seems that CSS rendering works in the sense of "live
  together or die together". So if it fails to interpret a part of a
  declaration, the whole declaration fails. Correct?

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