Peter Bradley wrote:
> There are a couple of other things I've noticed, which someone might be 
> able to help with:
> *  Is there any way of stopping the navigation menu from wrapping when 
> the screen size gets smaller.  I'd prefer horizontal scroll bars, if 
> it's possible
> *  In IE6, the menu items "twitch" to the left when they're first 
> pointed at.  I'm not terribly worried about IE6, but it would be nice to 
> stop it if it can be done.
> *  Also in IE6, the clickable area has not expanded to include the 
> entire 'button'.  Is it impossible to make IE6 do that?
> Peter
re: <>

One way of doing some of that stuff is to set min/max width and shove the menu 
to the left. A work around for min/max for IE/6 is needed (6 does not support 
min/max). This will avoid the h-scroll bar. The menu will not wrap, except with 
heavy-hand font-scaling, and in a window less than 800. And the line-measure 
will be more appropriate, even at upper resolutions.

Please see:

(additions to cc's in head of document)
css revision and additions

Work around method for IE/6 lifted from here [1]. Read Georg's documentation 
carefully, paticularly regarding Author's font size declared on html, body or 

[1] <>


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