Bill Brown wrote:
> Olivier Sannier wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have looked around for a way to create round boxes using CSS and 
>> images but I'm not quite there yet. Looking around on the web, I came 
>> across lots of different techniques but I'm quite puzzled as to how to 
>> implement it because I have a very particular setup. Basically, I cannot 
>> change the HTML that is available for me to work with and it's limited 
>> to this :
>> <div class="box">
>>   <div class="box-title"><h1>Title of the box</h1></div>
>>   <div class="box-content">Content of the box</div>
>> </div>
> Hi Olivier,
> Try this:
> (I've also included the source below.)
> Your HTML configuration was a little different than the example on
> 456BereaStreet, so I just wrote it based around your specific code.
> I tested it on IE6/WinXP, IE7/WinXP, Safari 3.1.1/WinXP, Opera
> 9.50/WinXP, Firefox 3/WinXP, Firefox 3/Ubuntu 8.04 and Opera
> 9.50/Ubuntu. They all seemed ok. IE6 is showing a weird redraw issue
> occasionally, even with the hasLayout and relative positioning applied,
> but I don't have any real answers (or concerns even really) about that.
Thanks for this, it does look very promising indeed.
However, I tried it in my own page and it does not quite work as 
expected. I posted the results at this address :

There must be something I'm not doing right.
Note that, as you surely guessed, the page there is just a static 
version of a generated page. I believe it shows a fair set of all the 
"boxes" I'll have in the website, and as you seen all they have in 
common is what I showed in my previous email.

Thanks again for your help, it is very much appreciated.


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