Thansk all - okay, here we go..

 >>Validate the markup on all pages. Do you and/or the client have IE/ 
6 and IE/7 set at anything other than Text Size : medium (default)?<<

I validated - right now, the only thing that makes it *invalid* is the  
flash.  But when I take out the flash, the page is 100% valid (index  
anyway), and the font doesn't change.  I'm in the middle of getting  
feedback from the client, so I had to put the flash back in (they'll  
freak out if they go to check it this morning and the flash is gone  
LOL) but it's green across the board when I take the flash out - yet  
no change in the font display.

 >>How about posting a screenshot or two if the font you're getting  
that doesn't look right, and I can compare it with what I'm seeing?<<

All 3 on Mac running OSX.  Don't have access to my PC right now - my 4- 
year-old is playing games on it :D

 >>You are using OS X 10.5.x<<

You're right:  10.5.3

 >>For OS X,  you can use the following:
{font-family: 'Helvetica Neue'; font-weight: 200;}<<

I *did* try that, and it didn't make much of a difference.  A little  
bit, but not much.

The thing is, the client is on a PC - I *believe* running IE7, but I'm  
not positive.  After some Googling, I've found some other things said  
about the browser settings (font smoothing as you've mentioned) and  
other "browser bugs" that make it display like this.  And for the  
record, I've also tried Arial, Helvetica, and some other fonts as well  
that might be a good tradeoff - but it still renders them as if it's  
bold text.

Thank GOD these guys understand that they cannot control other  
people's browsers, and that sometimes things like this will happen.   
So I'm going to let them know that this is just a "bug", and not  
everyone will see it.  They'll probably play along with that and be  
fine with it.  I know they won't want to add in any extra "hacking or  
whatever to make it look right for them - so as long as they know some  
people are getting the "right view" then they'll be fine.

But thanks for that - I appreciate it :)


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