> > From: Kelly Moore
> > So I have a list links, separated by a pipe, a la alistapart.  My 
> > issue, the pipes are so darned tall!  Odd from a design perspective.
> > Is there a way to set a height to 'border-left' ?

> From: Adam Ducker
> Pipes are always too tall for me too.  One solution I've used 
> in the past is to put the pipe in span, and change the font 
> or top position of that span.  A little extra markup, but 
> easier on the eyes.

Excellent idea. So the markup could just be:

  <div class="footer-links">

(with all the href= and stuff, of course)

And you style it with:

  .footer-links a { whatever }
  .footer-lines span { whatever }

You hardly need any CSS at all this way, just the height on the spans and a
bit of left-right margin or padding.


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