Kelly Moore wrote:
> Bill, Yes, except for shorter pipes.  I've opted with the following
> solution.  This way I get the short pipes, and semantically it holds
> together.
> <span class="pipefix"> | </span><a href="#">Hello There</a>
> and the css:
> #footerlinks .pipefix{
>     margin-left:3px;
>     margin-right:3px;
> }

Hi Kelly,

Actually, I would contend that semantically, it does NOT hold together.
You're talking about a list of links, but one which is meant to display
horizontally. Semantically speaking then, this should be in a list
element, and the style (display) should be handled with CSS.

To get shorter pipes, you simple adjust the padding in the CSS:
>#footerlinks li a {
>  display: block;
>  padding: 0 3px;/* Shorter Pipes ;) */
>  text-decoration: none;
>  position:relative;
>  }

I find that I almost never need to use span, b, i, br, or hr. There's
almost always a better solution in a more semantically appropriate tag
and the judicious application of styling.

Just my two cents. In any event, I'm glad you found a solution that
works better for you.


 * Bill Brown
 * &
 * From dot dot com...since 1999.
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