On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 4:59 PM, Bill Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kelly Moore wrote:
>> So I have a list links, separated by a pipe, a la alistapart.  My
>> issue, the pipes are so darned tall!  Odd from a design perspective.
>> Is there a way to set a height to 'border-left' ?
> Sorry,
> Pasted wrong code...
> This is the CSS I /meant/ to paste:
> #footerlinks {
>  border-left: 1px solid #000;
>  display: inline-block;
>  line-height: 1;
>  list-style: none;
>  margin: 0;
>  overflow: hidden;
>  padding: 0;
> }
> #footerlinks {
>  display: block;
> }
> #footerlinks li {
>  border-right: 1px solid #000;
>  display: inline;
>  float: left;
>  list-style: none;
>  margin: 0;
>  padding: 0;
> }
> #footerlinks li a {
>  display: block;
>  padding: 0 20px;
>  text-decoration: none;
>  position:relative;
> }
> #footerlinks li a:hover {
>  display: block;
>  padding: 0 20px;
>  text-decoration: none;
> }
> Hope /this/ helps. ;)
> Bill
Bill, Yes, except for shorter pipes.  I've opted with the following
solution.  This way I get the short pipes, and semantically it holds

<span class="pipefix"> | </span><a href="#">Hello There</a>

and the css:
#footerlinks .pipefix{
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