Stephen Carrell wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who helped and pointed out my off-topic posting. I
>  appreciate the criticism and am reviewing the guidelines again. I 
> don't see that apologies are off-topic (wink, wink); sorry to bother 
> anyone.

Your question may be off-topic but the solution definitely isn't.

Yes, you can detect a browser's resolution and automatically switch
styling to suit it, using CSS. It's part of 'CSS3 mediaqueries'...


Still not a recommended part of the standards, but Opera, Safari and the
latest Firefox build will work with it and those browsers that don't
will simply ignore the query and use whatever basic styling you serve to
all browsers.

I use mediaqueries for this purpose quite regularly, and see no downsides.

FWIW: I have a feeling that there are more large or at least 'not
800x600' screens outside the US than inside. Not that that necessarily
has anything to do with the size of browser-windows, which is what you
should query for if you want to "hit home" at the user-end.

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