Del Wegener wrote:
> My test page is
> The top graphic is a background image and the bottom one is a foreground 
> image.
> 1)Is there any way to prevent the images from resizing when the user does 
> any of the zoom actions (ctrl++, etc)?
> I know there are options (e.g. zoom text only) in the browsers to prevent 
> such zooming on graphics, but we cannot depend on the site visitors knowing 
> about and using those options.

Hi Del,

I just recently dealt with a client asking for a similar thing. I know
this isn't your question and you're sort of acting as a go-between for a
client request, so I'm gonna be kinda harsh (but please keep in mind I'm
not directing it at you).

Clients always find a friendly way to phrase it: "How do I prevent..."
or "What's the best way to ensure...." Really what they're asking is
"How do I FORCE a user to..."

The short answer is, of course, you can't. The long (unwanted) answer is
that you shouldn't. I don't want people messing with my browser. If you
embed your phone number in your header graphic and make it 7px tall, I
don't want you to be able to lock my browser into viewing that image at
exactly the same size you coded it. I NEED to be able to zoom it so that
I can call customer support and complain about the small font size in
your header graphic.

I believe in educating my clients as much as I can whenever possible and
I know you do, too. My advice would be to offer the client all the
reasons why pinning a graphic to a certain size is not advantageous to
the user and will therefore be most likely unachievable (and almost
certainly frowned upon).

Aaaaand, I'm also not really aware of any CSS method for achieving this.
You could of course detect font size adjustment with JavaScript and then
adjust the size of the image accordingly, but I don't envy you that task.

Just my two cents.
--Bill "Two Cents Poorer" Brown

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Bill Brown, Web Developer - "From dot concept to dot com since 1999"
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a
faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and
has forgotten the gift. -- Albert Einstein
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