David Laakso wrote:
> In this test page, the only way I've been able the keep the last two 
> links from gaining height is to assign a line-height /in pixels/ to #nav 
> ul for the IEs (and they still look a little whacked (taller) to me. 
> Anyone up for an explanation and/or better fix for this little mystery?
> uri (css embedded):
> <http://www.chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/nav.html>

Hi David--

It appears to be connected to your font-variant:small-caps declaration.
If I had to guess, I would suppose Windows doesn't have a way to
translate the non-breaking space into some lower-case/lower-height
version of itself, so it doesn't translate the space into anything, but
leaves it the same height as a font-variant:normal character.

This obviously pushes the height of the box to make room for the
"taller" character.

I couldn't find a work-around beyond specifying the line-height in
pixels as you'd done.

Hope it helps.

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Bill Brown, Web Developer - "From dot concept to dot com since 1999"
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