Gintautas Simkus wrote:
> It looks like IE-6 doesn't go well with absolute positions. Though position:
> relative didn't work for me, either one of IE's or FF wouldn't render
> properly. Now I want to shout out a few strong words, but whatever. Anyway
> this got me thinking, what can you accomplish with absolute positioning that
> you can't with relative?
> The above code fixes the "top" of the pyramid, but still the BG in IE-7 is
> buggy. So David could you take a look at the updated version and suggest
> something for the IE-7 background glitch? overflow-y ain't working.
> Background is centered in both IE6 and IE8, not to mention all other
> browsers, this must be very IE7-specific.

RE: <>

The background image seems to be centered on this end in all browsers.
The simplest means to position the pyramid image, considering the 
alternatives with your current positioning scheme, is to move #pyr_top 
in the markup to be the first id to open and the first id to close.

Please see (quick checked in IE/6.0, IE/7.0, and some compliant Mac 

There is nothing "wrong" with any of the positioning methods [1] 
currently available-- including the use of position relative and 
absolute. In general, until something better comes along in the future, 
float constructed layouts where content determines height tend to be far 
less restrictive, and  less problematic than those structured nearly 
entirely (such as yours)  with absolute positioning.

[1] <>


A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.

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