I think I am done now. Took me whole day though. The tricks I used:

1) Pyramid top worked from the beginning in all browsers but IE 6, so I
simply overridden alternate positioning for IE 6 (in which I used relative
instead of absolute) with "general" positioning which as I've said works in
all other browsers as far as I know. Made use of the fact that IE 6 can't
see children selector ( > ):

#pyr_top {
    position: relative;
   left: 623px;
   bottom: 647px;
    background-image: url( images/top_sponge_c32.png );
    width: 116px;
    height: 47px;

html>body #pyr_top {
   position: absolute;
    right: 10px;
    top: -47px;

2) Solved IE 7 background centering problem by wrapping everything inside
<body> within a 'wrapper' <div>. It looks like IE 7 <body> width can't be
smaller than the background's image's width. In my case it was a 2000px wide
texture, so technically it was centered; the problem was it wasn't trimmed
to the browser's actual viewable area. Hence the horizontal scroll bar even
though the ain't any content to the right. Even overflow-x:hidden didn't fix
that. Passed some IE 7 specific commands using the comment provided below.

/* <!--[if IE 7]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"
href="ie7fixes.css" /><![endif]--> */  <-------- goes into head of html file

body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 120%;
    background-image: none;
    background-position: 0% 0%;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    overflow-x: hidden;

#wrapper {
    width: 100%;
    height: 120%;
    background-image: url( images/background_texture.png );
    background-position: center top;
    background-repeat: repeat-y;

Ok so the site isn't _exactly_ the same, but probably in the region of 99%
being the same. The feel was retained, so I am happy :) My first site now
works as intended. Thanks for the help everyone!

2008/10/20 David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Gintautas Simkus wrote:
>> It looks like IE-6 doesn't go well with absolute positions. Though
>> position:
>> relative didn't work for me, either one of IE's or FF wouldn't render
>> properly. Now I want to shout out a few strong words, but whatever. Anyway
>> this got me thinking, what can you accomplish with absolute positioning
>> that
>> you can't with relative?
>> The above code fixes the "top" of the pyramid, but still the BG in IE-7 is
>> buggy. So David could you take a look at the updated version and suggest
>> something for the IE-7 background glitch? overflow-y ain't working.
>> Background is centered in both IE6 and IE8, not to mention all other
>> browsers, this must be very IE7-specific.
> RE: <http://www.archsite.net/>
> The background image seems to be centered on this end in all browsers.
> The simplest means to position the pyramid image, considering the
> alternatives with your current positioning scheme, is to move #pyr_top in
> the markup to be the first id to open and the first id to close.
> Please see (quick checked in IE/6.0, IE/7.0, and some compliant Mac
> browsers:
> <http://www.chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/tech.htm>
> css
> <http://www.chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/tech_files/style000.css>
> There is nothing "wrong" with any of the positioning methods [1] currently
> available-- including the use of position relative and absolute. In general,
> until something better comes along in the future, float constructed layouts
> where content determines height tend to be far less restrictive, and  less
> problematic than those structured nearly entirely (such as yours)  with
> absolute positioning.
> [1] <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#positioning-scheme>
> --
> A thin red line and a salmon-color ampersand forthcoming.
> http://chelseacreekstudio.com/
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