From: Ron Koster <>

> the following recommended way to do up dropcaps...


As with most things CSS, you'll need to test the effect you want in the 
environment it's going to be placed. Oh, and in a variety of browsers as well 
to see if the results are acceptable to you.

The wiki page you have cited was written before 2004 and apparently has not 
been edited since. In my opinion, it is doubtful that the author would suggest 
padding in ex units at this time, but I don't know. Douglas Livingstone was a 
contributer to this list, but I haven't seen him post for some time, so you 
might try emailing him and ask him the question directly. (I have no idea if that will work or not, it's from 
his oldish test site index page.)

You can search the archives of css-d from the following link to find more 
discussions (including the current one) on drop caps.

Another page that may give you an example is - 
The selector for the drop caps on that page - 

html body div #content div div.icon p:first-letter {
float: left;
color: #579;
background: transparent;
padding: 0 .1em 0 0;
font-size: 3.2em;
line-height: 0.7em; 
margin: .02em -.06em -.2em;

We all have to test for the look we desire, and settle on what works best for 
the given situation. I don't think anyone will say you *must* use a certain 
amount of padding for every situation, even the author of the wiki page you 
cited. The nature of web pages and browsers is not static like print, and there 
are a variety of variables that can come into play on any given page. If you 
don't like the look of the padding, take it out, or adjust it until you do like 
it. That's one of the beautiful parts of CSS....

As an aside, the wiki has been written over the years, by a number of different 
people who posted for a time on css-d and may or may not still be around 
answering questions or even lurking. There is no one specifically "assigned" to 
maintain it with the most up-to-date methods, so you may indeed find something 
that is out-of-date to current best practices. Feel free to edit a page 
yourself if that is the case, adding what worked for you. 

The wiki is, or should be, dynamic, not static, and is not meant to be 
unchanging. CSS itself changes, as does support for any given level of CSS. 
"Best practice" is all well and good, until it doesn't work in a given 
situation. In my opinion, all CSS examples, whether in the wiki or in the 
"wild" on the net are open to experimentation, and indeed problably should be 
experimented with so that the user/developer understands what various 
adjustments can and will do.

Good luck, Ron, and keep experimenting.

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