I thought I'd buried this one a year ago.  Guess not.   If someone could just 
recognize and name the bug for me, that would be a help, as then I could go 
searching for solutions.

Here's the trouble.  We have a footer that's supposed to stay at the bottom of 
the page.  *Sometimes* the stupid bugger rides up the screen to overlap with 
page subnavigation.  On reload, the page is magically fixed.  The problem can 
reproduced by clearing all history/cache-type files from IE and restarting the 
browser--but only sometimes.  Sometimes it's still OK when you come back to it.

The real trick is that I thought I had this thing solved when we launched last 
May and now it's gone and showed up again.  No changes have been made to the 
code, so I think it's been happening all along but that it's intermittent 
that nobody reported it until today.  The vendor had actually originally 
the page with a javascript "fix" for this problem that fixed roughly half of 
occurrences... and mucked up roughly half of the pages that didn't have the 
problem to start with.  Needless to say, that was pitched out as soon as I 
figured out what it was doing.

Here is one page that has definitely done it to me more than once:

And here's a list of departments, many of which are candidates for the same 
problem, for if that one doesn't cooperate: 

Please be kind.   The code isn't mine, though I've done what I could to fix it 

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