Hmm, I might have to resort to that.  The trouble with min-height, of course, 
that our subnavs don't have a consistent height so I would either have some 
pages that are taller than they should be or risk having it still happen in 
cases.  I could probably prevent it on a larger number of subsites that way, 
though.  I'm intrigued by your thoughts on why it's happening, though, and will 
spend some time mulling them over, if only for the time-killing value ;)

It's a picky little design, ours.


Els wrote:
> Rebecca Mazur wrote:
>> Here's the trouble.  We have a footer that's supposed to stay at
>> the bottom of the page.  *Sometimes* the stupid bugger rides up the
>> screen to overlap with the page subnavigation.  On reload, the page
>> is magically fixed.
>> Here is one page that has definitely done it to me more than once:
> On first load that's exactly what happens, and on reload it is fixed, 
> like you say.
> The one cause I can think of, is that the positioning of the footer is 
> happening before the page is loaded.
> When #content is not stretched full height yet, and the footer positions 
> itself relative to the #content's bottom border (which is what the 
> position:absolute does here), its position just doesn't get updated once 
> the #content is fully stretched.
> Since IE7 supports min-height, I think you could solve it by setting a 
> min-height to #content, so that at least the footer won't overlap the 
> menu on the left. It will still be higher than it should on first load, 
> but that's better than overlapping.
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