I'm fleshing out a new site. I thought I'm doing this is as simple a  
manner as possible to not induce any anomalies, but I'm having some  

What I can see off the bat...

- In Safari, the logo on the right doesn't show (it does in Firefox &  
- I've put the large type (our firm) at then end and using positioning  
tried to make it place over the photo. Good to an extent. In Firefox  
it seems to be positioned correctly, but in Safari/IE, it's closer to  
the bottom of the image. Also, there seems to be a large space under  
the photo I can't seem to understand why. It happened when I started  
to position the large type.
- I'm sure there is more that you all will point out, and I appreciate  

Go to: http://ba-doyn.com/junk/meeks_test/

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