> Subject: [css-d] Site check please...
> I'm fleshing out a new site. I thought I'm doing this is as simple a
> manner as possible to not induce any anomalies, but I'm having some
> issues.
> What I can see off the bat...
> - In Safari, the logo on the right doesn't show (it does in Firefox &
> IE)
> - I've put the large type (our firm) at then end and using positioning
> tried to make it place over the photo. Good to an extent. In Firefox
> it seems to be positioned correctly, but in Safari/IE, it's closer to
> the bottom of the image. Also, there seems to be a large space under
> the photo I can't seem to understand why. It happened when I started
> to position the large type.
> - I'm sure there is more that you all will point out, and I appreciate
> it.
> Go to: http://ba-doyn.com/junk/meeks_test/

Looks the same in Safari as in Firefox (Vista) to me.

I don't see any logo at all. Large print is at bottom of image in both
You might also fix your html (mainly mistyping of Javascript stuff)



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