On 2010/02/07 01:09 (GMT-0500) Kym Costanzo composed:

> Regarding your question about making the page too small for you to read, I
> am open to any teaching you wish to offer. As I learned CSS, I read over and
> over that the "right" way to size fonts is to set the page font size to
> 62.5% and then increase using ems.

That insanity seems to have originated at http://www.clagnut.com/blog/348/

http://www.bergamotus.ws/misc/sensible-css-text-sizing.html and
http://fm.no-ip.com/SS/Clagnut/bbcnSS.html describe that method's impact.

> I am using a browser resolution of
> 1280x1024

Resolution is irrelevant to anything unless right along with it is known the
size of the display. Combined they result is what is variously called PPI or
DPI, which is a measure of screen pixel density. The higher the DPI, the more
pixels are required to make text legible or an image large enough to show
adequate detail. For example, your 1280x1024 on a 15" display is 109 DPI, on
17" 96 DPI, and on 19" 86 DPI. http://fm.no-ip.com/auth/dpi.xhtml

> and the font size I am using is 1.4em,

If you were using 1em you would be using 100% of the size the visitor has
determined, passively or actively, is most appropriate for the bulk of web
page text.

> which I felt was a suitable
> size, and to me, looks comparable to fonts on other sites I see. But if this
> is not the "right" way to do it, I'm open to hearing what is. 

Going by what other sites do while seeming sensible is not. Most sites are
styled in an obsolete tradition originated more than a decade ago when
average display resolution was quite a bit lower than it is now, with a lot
less variation in DPI then compared to now that we have pocket devices in
wide use along with big HDTVs as display screens. It's only right sized when
it looks right when the predominant size is the browser default. It's up to
users to change their brower defaults if they find them to be inappropriate,
in spite of the nearly universal designer assumption that users don't know
how to do that. http://fm.no-ip.com/auth/defaultsize.html
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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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