-----Original Message-----

Let's say you have a table to 10 columns and 100 rows.

With rows you can fairly easily set up a custom style to apply to a row,
but what about columns?

The first column is a key of sorts, the rest data.  Yes I can do
something like:

<tr><td class="c1">some key</td><td class="c2">data</td><td
style="color: #ff0000">data</td></tr>

Since all of column #1 will take on the same appearance, is there a
method of setting a global type style that only applies to column 1
without having to apply the class/style syntax to all 100 rows?  Ditto
for column #2, etc?


You can use the 'colgroup' tag with a class applied to the 'col's
inside, and then style those.

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