On 01-Mar-10 12:05, Eric A. Meyer wrote:

> Again, neither of those will work in IE6/NN4 but they'll be fine in 
> any vaguely recent browser.

Not to start a religious war, but NN4? I can see more recent versions
of NN but NN4? Do we make the same sort of observations on IE3 or IE4?
It seems like ages since IE5.0 was mentioned here (on this list).

Perhaps I'm missing something, if I am then I'm all ears and would like
to hear why NN4 should not be dismissed outright. Sure, some people will
keep using it, and they'll make allowances when pages don't display
quite properly. Sorta the same way pages won't display properly for all
those half-dozen-or-so users who are still using Windows 3.11 and IE3 or
earlier. If they aren't spoofing that data. @@


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