I'm absolutely no guru here (not anywhere), and I'm sure you will get
better replies.

> 2010/8/18 Keith Purtell <keithpurt...@keithpurtell.com>

> {float: right; width: 15em; margin: 1 1em 1em; padding: 0.25em;}
> First, I don't understand width. It's not the width of my image; what is
> it doing?

To know what it's doing, you need to tell where it is been applied.
What is the *selector* part of your code line?

> Second, I especially don't understand how he has illustrated margin. Why
> do '1' and '1em' and '1em' follow each other that way, and what are they
> accomplishing.

Not sure why we specify units on some cases and others don't, but
by having margin: 1 1em 1em; It's a shortcut way to declare margin
properties. In your case it's the same as:

margin-top: 1; (the first '1' that appears on the shortcut version)
margin-right: 1em; (the first '1em' that appears on the shortcut version)
margin-left:1em; (again, the first '1em' that appears on the shortcut version)
margin-bottom: 1em; (the second '1em' that appears on the shortcut version).

> Third, the padding. Why is it necessary and how is it affecting the the
> flow of text around my images?

I believe the box-model could provide you same answers to that ;)

> - Keith Purtell

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