
Does anyone have a minute to look at my problem? I was tinkering with my
site this morning, and caused a float drop problem in IE6. What happened
was. I was trying to create some white space between my secondary nav and
the side of my page. My site is: drafting services . com (remove  all
spaces). My code is:






/* ===== Secondary Navigation ===== */


/* ===== 0border+0padding+10margin+190width=200 ===== */

#navtwocontainer {

            float: left;

            padding: 10px 0px 0px 0px;

            margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px;

            width: 190px;



#navtwocontainer ul {

            padding-left: 0;


            list-style-type: none;



/* ===== 0border+20padding+170width=190 ===== */

#navtwocontainer a {

            display: block;

            padding: 3px 10px;

            margin: 0;

            width: 170px;

            text-decoration: none;

            color: #000;

            background-color: #EAEAEA;

            border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;  


#navtwocontainer a:hover


            text-decoration: underline;      





Brian M. Curran | CAD Consultant

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