Hi all,
Pardon my elementary question. I'm going through all my ancient web pages to make them compatible with current coding rules. And I've discovered that "font size" is no longer a valid tag. Is there something that replaces it, so I don't have to establish styles for everything? If not, is it possible to establish a default style for all text, without the text having to reside inside a <p> or <h> or any other kind of tag like that in the html pages? Or do you have to put a tag around every bit of text to have any control over it?
I currently have this, but isn't it for hyperlinks only?:

a {font-family:Times,serif;

Then I was wondering how to establish secondary text styles, like if I want a slightly larger type size for a particular line, but don't want it boldfaced, as in a <h> tag. (I know I'd have to put tags around these, just don't know what kind.)

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