John wrote:

On Dec 10, 2010, at 12:44 PM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

The HTML code and the CSS code have syntax errors that are
detectable using available checkers. They should be fixed, but more
importantly, we need a description of the problem (what is
expected, and a URL demonstrating an attempt to achieve that).

Many thanks. I can't account for line breaks in those links I
supplied; I merely copied them from my browser and pasted them into

the jpg shows what I'm after:  the paragraph at the right is to
bottom-align with the head/subhead material at the left. In other
words, I would like the last line of the right-hand paragraph to
always line up with the last line of the matter at the left.

I suppose you wanted to post to the list, not to me personally only; hence I'm copying your entire message above.

I think you should post the URL of your best effort so far, illustrating what you tried in HTML and in CSS.

But the obvious approach is to use a single-cell table with valign=bottom. You won't need any CSS for that, though CSS helps you to remove the default margins for heading elements, for example (it is natural to use heading elements for the head/subhead stuff).

If you wish to choose the more complicated and less reliable CSS way, then you could define a container <div> element, set position: relative and some height (say height: 6em) for it, depending on what you intend to put there, and two inner <div> elements, positioned "absolutely" with bottom: 0 and e.g. left: 0 and left: 50% respectively.

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