Gates, Jeff wrote:

I have applied a style to my links with this css:

  #right a:link {text-decoration: none;
   border-bottom: dotted 1px #666;}
This puts a nice dotted line under each link.

Interesting, though it might be confused, by some visitors, with dotted underline of abbreviations or acronyms.

This looks nice for
text but I don't want it showing under my image links.

There's no way in CSS, as currently defined and implemented, to define a selector that selects elements on the basis of their content - like "those link elements that contain an img element". So need a workaround that overrides the settings on the basis of a class set on the link elements (or their parents). And that seems to be what you're doing...:

The class of one subset of image links is "download-file". I've tried
styling that like this: .download-file {text-decoration: none;
border-bottom: none; } and various variants like: .download-file a
{text-decoration: none;  border-bottom: none;} plus others. But none
seem to override the #right a styles.

A URL would help, but it seems that your selectors are not specific enough. The selector
#right a:link
is more specific than
or even
.download-file a
and therefore "runs over them" when there is a conflict.

The clean approach is to use selectors that are more specific than those in rules that are to be overridden. E.g.
#right { border-bottom: none; }

A simpler but somewhat rude way is to use !important:
.download-file:link { border-bottom: none !important; }

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