On 1/14/11 10:07 AM, "Jukka K. Korpela" <jkorp...@cs.tut.fi> wrote:

The clean approach is to use selectors that are more specific than those in
rules that are to be overridden. E.g.
#right a.download-file:link { border-bottom: none; }

On 1/14/11 10:11 AM, "Germán Martínez" <ger...@martinez.pe> wrote:

it's not working because the selector "#right a"  has a higher specificity than 
I'm assuming that those images are also inside the #right element, then you 
should use:

#right a.download-file  {
border-bottom: none;

Thanks to both of you. That worked.

One of the variants I used was the more specific syntax using the #right id. 
However, my syntax was wrong. I had

#right download-file a {
border-bottom: none;

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