On 6/1/11 2:02 PM, Hardie, Chris wrote:
I've been toying around with embedding fonts from the cloud into a few of my 

I have noticed that the quality of the rendering of many of these fonts is 
rather poor on my desktop browser. Different browsers render the font 
differently. We use a particular font family in our print product which looks 
crisp, and would like to use it on our web product for continuity, but it ends 
up looking ragged and weedy.

Is there some issue that would be causing this? Perhaps the font foundry did a 
poor job in making the font available?


All "webfonts" are not created equal? What webfont[s] are you using and how are you embedding them? A clickable link to a page in question in your post to the list often yields far better help results than this feeble reply...


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