----- Original Message ----- From: "John" <j...@coffeeonmars.com>
To: <css-d@lists.css-discuss.org>
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 7:37 PM
Subject: Re: [css-d] two similar pages; one scrolls. Why?

On Aug 26, 2011, at 3:27 PM, David Laakso wrote:

Try positioing all your stuff /without/ using position:absolute; or position: relative;. Margins will do. Padding when needed. Float left or right if margin left or right won't work. Stress test: press and hold apple; keep banging the + key until the type won't get any bigger.

#WPR_Image_A {
margin: 20px auto;
border: 1px solid red/4 position only*/;
thank you, David...I am working through my documents to make these changes you advise. I am not sure where, but somebody said that position: was the way to go...

Yep, position is the way to go...

... nuts.

If you're after cross-browser inconsistency, inaccessibility to vision-impaired users, and subtle, difficult to track down display issues, the CSS position attribute's your boy. Otherwise, margins, padding, float, and clear will do 99.9% of the positioning you'll need to do in a static site. The only place in any of my stuff I've needed absolute positioning was in dropdown/flyout menus, and occasionally when animating, which I do rarely. Otherwise, the CSS position property appears nowhere in my work.

"If you don't understand the CSS position property, you don't need it. If you did understand the CSS position property, you wouldn't use it." -- _Ronx (Ron Symonds)
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