>>  Forgot to mentioned that I'm on IE9. And I used to rely on the

>>  browser sandbox at http://www.spoon.net/Browsers/ - they used to have
>>  all versions of IE, inclduing IE6 but they were removed. Now I'm
>>  going to have to set something up - though I must admit real techy
>>  stuff like that intimidates me lol. That's why spoon was perfect but
>>  not anymore.
> OK, just checking IE7 emulation mode in IE9. This bug,
> http://css-class.com/test/bugs/ie/recalculatedoffsetbug.htm
> is not working as it should in IE7 mode in IE9 (it was correct in IE8).
> There is a IE7 mode that does work in IETester.
> http://www.my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage
> Download that and you will get to see IE7 in or it's infamous glory. I 
> have documented quite a few IE7 bugs here.
> http://css-class.com/test/bugs/ie/ie-bugs.htm
> > -- 
> Alan Gresley
> http://css-3d.org/
> http://css-class.com/
Thank you!

Elli Vizcaino
Web Designer & Developer
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