On 10.11.2011 02:23, mem wrote:

 Ok. And why will I need one in px and another in em ? I'm not getting
 what will that do, should that have the same measures like: 960px and
 60em ?

60em may be somewhat equal to 960px under certain, very limited, conditions. If you're happy with that there's no need to "mess with" both units, just make up your mind whether it's 'em' or 'px' or some other unit you're gonna rely on ... and test well.

 Great recall. I presume that body will have some sort of background
 image so I cannot narrow it, and it should be as wide as the viewport

If you say so. I often let 'html' alone do the "fill viewport" job, leaving 'body' open for other jobs. How to use elements depends mainly on degree of legacy browser support.

 So this means adding and extra container with no semantic propose
 other then dealing with this ?

Probably not necessary to add any non-semantic elements as "style only" hooks, _if_ you've got a good set/use of semantic elements in the layout. You'll have to present it - with the semantics - if you want really qualified and detailed advices on how to style it to your liking.

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