Just to clarify, what I mean is, as soon as I add "resize:horizontal;" to the 
div.sidebar {}, it breaks.

On 11/03/2012, at 12:05 AM, David Thorp wrote:

> Duh.  Brilliant.  Now that you present that, it's pretty obvious.  Haha.  
> Thanks.
> But now we have another challenge.  How do we make the sidebar horizontally 
> resizable, without disappearing behind the headerbar and content (or covering 
> them up)?  ie. it needs to move the left edge of those as we move the right 
> edge of the sidebar.
> I spent a good couple of hours trying a few things this afternoon, and I've 
> tried a few more just now on your code... without success.   :(
> The problem seems to be because the sidebar is positioned "absolute"-ly, we 
> have to set the content and headerbar to absolute positioning as well...?  
> There seems to be no way to make the left edge of the content and headerbar 
> relate to the (movable) right edge of the sidebar...?
> What do you think?
> Gotta say, it's frustrating that CSS seems to be so unintuitive in some ways, 
> but I'm grateful for the likes of you to help.  So thanks, yet again...
> David.
> On 10/03/2012, at 11:45 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 10, 2012 at 12:55 AM, David Thorp
>> <mailingli...@allaboutabundance.com> wrote:
>>> Hi again Vince,
>>> Ok, well as recommended by you in the other thread, I've started over, and 
>>> in this case I'm now using your code below as a starting point.  As I noted 
>>> in a previous reply, it seems to be right on the mark... except I've run 
>>> across one little snag...
>>> See here:
>>>       http://davidthorp.name/published/browser-0d.html
>>> ...and the corresponding css here:
>>>       http://davidthorp.name/published/css/browser-0d.css
>>> I've done as you described here:
>>>> You don't necessarily have to make the left sidebar 100%-30px.  If you set 
>>>> the
>>>> top bar to position:absolute, other elements will go behind it.  So, you 
>>>> can
>>>> make the left sidebar 100% height.  30px of it will be obscured at the 
>>>> top, but
>>>> you can fix that with a margin on its first child.
>>> But the problems now begin when I add "overflow-y: scroll;" to my sidebar.
>>> It does manage to scroll everything perfectly except for the fact that the 
>>> top 30 pixels of the scroll bar are obscured by the top bar... and so it 
>>> just looks a little weird.
>>> I've tried a few things, without success.  I'd very much like to know how 
>>> to get the scroll bar positioned correctly.
>> I figured out how to do it using absolute positioning.  Rather than set a
>> vertical size on the elements, I just set their top and bottom positions.  
>> The
>> top position is the height of the toolbar and the bottom is 0.  It seems to 
>> work
>> fine in all of the relevant desktop browsers.
>> http://www.ghodmode.com/experiments/sidebar/
>> --
>> Vince Aggrippino
>> Ghodmode Development
>> http://www.ghodmode.com
>>> Note: I've aded "opacity: 0.8" to my top bar (toolbar) so you can see the 
>>> scroll bar behind it.  In the finished version of this there will be no 
>>> transparency (ie. it'll be "opacity: 1;").  The problem isn't the fact that 
>>> it shows behind the toolbar.  The problem is just that it's not positioned 
>>> correctly.
>>> Thanks again for your help!
>>> David.
>>> On 01/03/2012, at 1:54 PM, Ghodmode wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 3:58 PM, David Thorp
>>>> <mailingli...@allaboutabundance.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Greetings all...
>>>>> I'm relatively new to both CSS, and this list, but I've had some very 
>>>>> positive experiences on other lists for other programming tools, so I'm 
>>>>> hoping this list will be similar :)
>>>>> I've been learning css from the w3schools website, which seems to be 
>>>>> pretty good as a crash course, but I'm having some difficulties getting 
>>>>> positioning and dimensions of objects to work the way I want.  I'm not 
>>>>> sure if this is because I don't properly understand the rules and 
>>>>> concepts, or I'm just getting syntax or something simple like that wrong.
>>>>> If anyone can help me I'd be grateful...
>>>>> I have a number of <div> objects arranged in various positions:
>>>>> 1. A toolbar across the top that is the full width of the window 
>>>>> (width:100%) and 30px in height.
>>>>> 2. A sidebar down the left hand side, that starts under the toolbar (so 
>>>>> the top border of it is 30px down the page).  It's 138 px wide.
>>>>> 3. Then a content area takes up the rest of the window.
>>>>> I want each of these objects to take up the full height and width of the 
>>>>> window (wherever a height and width is not set), regardless of the size 
>>>>> of the window, without ever going over the edges of the window.  I will 
>>>>> use the overflow property to generate scroll bars if the content within 
>>>>> each of these objects is larger than the size of the window allows.
>>>>> So this means that:
>>>>> 1. the sidebar's height essentially needs to be (100%-30px).
>>>>> 2. the content area's height needs to be (100%-30px), and its width needs 
>>>>> to be (100%-138px).
>>>>> If I set the height of these two objects to auto, then they only go as 
>>>>> far down the window as there is content in them, which if that's less 
>>>>> than there is room in the window, then they don't reach the bottom of the 
>>>>> window.
>>>>> If I set the heights to be 100% then they stretch beyond the height of 
>>>>> the window by exactly the 30 pixels of the toolbar, and they force the 
>>>>> window scroll bars to appear - no matter what size i make the window.
>>>>> I understand of course that I can't do this:
>>>>> object {
>>>>>   height:100%-30px
>>>>> }
>>>>> (well at least it's my understanding i can't do that, and I tried it and 
>>>>> it didn't work, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong there somehow).
>>>>> I'm also having some (different) challenges with the width of the content 
>>>>> area, but let's come back to that - one thing at a time.
>>>>> Clearly I'm missing something... What's the best practice for getting the 
>>>>> heights the way I want them?
>>>> It's difficult to define the _best_ practice.  You'll quickly find out that
>>>> there are many ways to do anything you might want to do.
>>>> You don't necessarily have to make the left sidebar 100%-30px.  If you set 
>>>> the
>>>> top bar to position:absolute, other elements will go behind it.  So, you 
>>>> can
>>>> make the left sidebar 100% height.  30px of it will be obscured at the 
>>>> top, but
>>>> you can fix that with a margin on its first child.
>>>> The following is demonstrated at http://www.ghodmode.com/testing/dthorp
>>>> HTML:
>>>>   <!doctype html>
>>>>   <html lang="en">
>>>>   <head>
>>>>     <meta charset="utf-8">
>>>>     <title>D. Thorp Sidebar</title>
>>>>     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
>>>>   </head>
>>>>   <body>
>>>>     <div class="top_bar">
>>>>       <p>This is the top bar</p>
>>>>     </div>
>>>>     <div class="left_bar">
>>>>       <p>this is the left sidebar</p>
>>>>     </div>
>>>>     <div class="content">
>>>>       <p>Lots of "Lorem Ipsum ..." goes here</p>
>>>>     </div>
>>>>   </body>
>>>>   </html>
>>>> CSS:
>>>> /* Setting a height on the body and html elements is important.  Without 
>>>> that,
>>>>  * vertical heights on other elements don't work.
>>>>  */
>>>> body, html {
>>>>     height: 100%;
>>>>     margin: 0;
>>>> }
>>>> body {
>>>>     background-color: #bbf;
>>>> }
>>>> /* position:absolute on the top_bar allows other elements to go behind it.
>>>>  */
>>>> div.top_bar {
>>>>     width: 100%;
>>>>     height: 30px;
>>>>     position: absolute;
>>>>     background-color: #bfb;
>>>> }
>>>> /* Since the top_bar has position:absolute, the left_bar can be height:100%
>>>>  * without worrying about clearing the top bar.
>>>>  */
>>>> div.left_bar {
>>>>     background-color: #fbb;
>>>>     height: 100%;
>>>>     float: left;
>>>> }
>>>> /* Since the left_bar now goes behind the top_bar, its contents could
>>>>  * potentially be obscured by the top bar.  Setting a margin-top on the 
>>>> first
>>>>  * child of the left_bar makes sure this doesn't happen.
>>>>  * This couldn't be done using padding on the left_bar because that would 
>>>> make
>>>>  * the left_bar taller than 100% (by 30px) and force a scroll bar
>>>> even if there
>>>>  * wasn't any real content taller than the window.
>>>>  */
>>>> div.left_bar *:first-child {
>>>>     margin-top: 30px;
>>>> }
>>>> /* The content area will go behind the top_bar, too.  So, adding
>>>> 30px padding to
>>>>  * the top makes sure content isn't obscured.
>>>>  * Here, padding is effective because we haven't set the height on the 
>>>> content
>>>>  * area.
>>>>  */
>>>> div.content {
>>>>     padding: 30px 1em 0;
>>>>     background-color: white;
>>>>     overflow: auto;
>>>> }
>>>> /* Setting the first level of children to float:left allows them to be 
>>>> next to
>>>>  * the side bar.  Without this, block elements inside the content
>>>> area would be
>>>>  * 100% wide and make the content area too wide to be next to the
>>>> left_bar.  It
>>>>  * would be forced below the left_bar.
>>>>  */
>>>> div.content > * {
>>>>     float: left;
>>>> }
>>>> --
>>>> Vince Aggrippino
>>>> Ghodmode Development
>>>> http://www.ghodmode.com
>>>>> Thanks for any help!
>>>>> David.
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