Barney Carroll wrote:

This is what seals it for me. I don't have user testing studies to
back the assertion up, but generally I assume users prefer websites
that work in whatever browser they're using to seeing a 'W3C CSS
valid' sticker at the bottom.

Just to clarify : I have neither the intention nor the desire add
a "W3C Valid" logo, link, or any analogous waste of space.  I want
to the code to be valid because "invalid" means "wrong".  Period.

If it's valid and doesn't work, then the browser is defective
(or aberrant : see recent thread concerning the "content" model
for elements).  Yes, I would like the code to work in any modern
browser; but if I have a choice between "valid" with 9/10 browsers,
and "invalid" with 10/10 browsers, I will opt for "valid".  Let
the users of the 1/10 defective/aberrant browsers whinge like
hell to their browser vendor and point him/her/them/it at the
relevant W3C specification.

Philip Taylor
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