I'm almost embarrassed to admit I don't know why this is happening since
I've worked with CSS for a number of years now.  I don't claim to be a CSS
master, though!  :-)

On this page:


I have several floated <li> items that look fine until the page is made
narrower.  Then I want the floats to fall nicely to the next line and slide
all the way to the left, but they get "stuck" and won't slide all the way
over to the left until the page is pulled way in to be at it's minimum

I have a similar structure on a couple other pages, with similar results,
and I've never been able to quite figure out what the issue is.  I would
guess it has something to do with conflicting heights on the elements or
something.  But I can't just put a "clear" rule on the floats, cause that
would kill the float, right?  I basically want something like a clearing
element to kick in ONLY when the float needs to fall to the next row.

Does that make sense?

Christopher Akins
City of Springfield, MO
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