> El 30/05/2013, a las 21:02, Christopher Akins escribió:
> . . .
> I have several floated <li> items that look fine until the page is made
> narrower.  Then I want the floats to fall nicely to the next line and slide
> all the way to the left, but they get "stuck" and won't slide all the way
> over to the left until the page is pulled way in to be at it's minimum
> width.
> . . .
> Christopher Akins

Hi Christopher, try using display:inline-block. I first saw this solution in a 
post on this list by Georg a while ago, and it's ideal for lining up floated 
items of variable height regardless of window width:

display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;

I notice that the link that Georg posted is still functioning so I'll take the 
liberty of repeating it here:


Hope this is useful, Peter H.

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