I'm a beginner at responsive design.  I understand the mobile first
argument which (at least from the client side) boils down to "Design for
the phone first and then use CSS media queries to vary floats and widths as
needed, and to use javascript to add non-essential images on the fly, for
larger monitors."

However.  Intricately planning individual layouts for all possible devices
seems error prone to me. If not a fool's errand.  New gizmos show up all
the time.

In my limited experience totally fluid layouts scale well or well enough
between desktop and tablet.  The literature frequently faults fluid layouts
for looking bad when the user drags the browser out to too wide.  But I
don't see that as a problem.

When I drag a fluid layout out to too wide I immediately pooch it back to
narrower again, until it looks right.  I think that's what everybody does.

So now (if fluid layout covers both desktop and tablet) all you have to
worry about is one media query for phone size gadgets.  Removing all floats
invariably makes a mess.  A better first draft is to make every block
element float left.  Full width blocks still stack vertically. Narrower
blocks sit side by side. A small amount of custom tuning from that point on
is usually all it takes. Or at least so it seems.  I am new at this.

I'll skip over server-side device detection for now. Although that seems
like the most powerful technology--if detail-oriented micro-managed layout
really is the goal.

Does anybody want to argue against that big picture view?  Or amend it
some, for the benefit of a beginner?

/*  Colin (Sandy) Pittendrigh  >--oO0> */
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