many such breakpoints (out there in practice) are defined in ems, even when
the author is thinking pixels, where one EM is calculated as 16 pixels.

/* for 600px .......(16 * 37.5 == 600)  */
@media all and (min-width: 37.5em) {

    ...css goes here

I've been doing this because the examples I copied did this. But I don't
know why. Can anybody explain this issue?

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 6:36 AM, Tim Arnold <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 7:26 AM, william drescher
> <> wrote:
> > I looked and googled but... what is a css breakpoint?
> > Is it just setting width ?
> >
> > bill
> >
> Breakpoints are points at which certain CSS rules kick in.  They are
> most commonly based on the width of your browser viewport but can also
> be tied to other properties of a device.  You use "media queries" to
> define them.
> A common example would be that you have a block on the page that is
> 50% of the available width (maybe lining up horizontally in two
> columns) and you need them to switch to 100% wide on smaller screens
> (stacking vertically instead of horizontally).  In the case below, any
> screen less than 700px wide would do this.
> 700px would be the "breakpoint"
> .story{width: 50%; float: left;}
> @media only screen and (max-width: 700px){
>      .story(width: 100%; float: none;}
> }
> NOTE: this is not just about width.  You could change anything at all
> defined in CSS at these different breakpoints.
> Tim
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