I started out wanting to ask a question along the lines of "How can I
set things up so that if a user has a font locally, it will be used, but
if not, download it as a webfont?", but that was all of a sudden
obvious: the usual method of setting up a font stack, e.g.,

font-family: preferred-local-font, web-font;

This does bring up questions that may be browser/platform dependent, and
may give me second thoughts about doing this:

1. In this sort of situation, is the webfont unconditionally downloaded,
   or is it ignored unless/until actually needed?

2. If I use a character/characters that don't have glyphs defined in the
   first font of a stack, will the next font in the stack (that does
   have the glyph) be used for that character, or will some
   client/system default font be used, or will I just see the symbol for
   "I don't have that glyph"?

Jeff Zeitlin, Editor
Freelance Traveller
    The Electronic Fan-Supported
    Traveller® Fanzine and Resource


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