On 03/13/2014, at 6:30 AM, Chris Rockwell wrote:

>> 1. In this sort of situation, is the webfont unconditionally downloaded,
>>   or is it ignored unless/until actually needed?
> I think it is ignored.  According to the spec, the fonts can be
> automatically fetched and downloaded _when_needed_. 

This may not be doable in CSS but is there any configurable or settable 
timeout? I've noticed significant delays in sites loading recently when they've 
been downloading things piecemeal from all over including even Google fonts. 
The sites connect quick enough, then sit there waiting to connect or download 
other page components. It's gotten so bad after a few minutes of nothing 
displaying I've had to abandon sites and look elsewhere.

With the trend in moving things to "clouds" and distributed components 
including fonts, jQuery etc, and increasing issues with routing, connectivity 
and response time across these distributed resources, is there a way to say for 
example if this font doesn't load from Google Fonts in so many ms load the 
locally saved version?

If this is not something CSS can address, any suggestions on where else to ask? 
Or just stick to saving fonts and calling them off the website server if 

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