Felix, admittedly I never questioned why setting font-size: 100% was a best
practice, it's just always something I've done. Based on your response I
did some quick research and, it appears, the original reason was to fix
some ie6/7 issues with em scaling.

Additionally, I checked normalize.CSS as I knew it was in there, you can
see the reasoning they have also:

Without looking further, there appear to be valid reasons for setting
font-size to 100% on body.

(Also admittedly, this is one of those practices that I see no harm in, so
if someone smarter than me figured out it helps, I'll just take their word
for it and include the few characters :))

On Jul 26, 2014 9:27 PM, "Felix Miata" <mrma...@earthlink.net> wrote:

> On 2014-07-26 19:43 (GMT-0500) Karl DeSaulniers composed:
>  Felix Miata wrote:
>  ...CSS for the public web should never size text in px. Sizing text in
>>> px means the optimal base size determined by each user, as embodied in
>>> his browser default size, is totally disregarded, tyrannically usurped
>>> if you will, which is rude.
>  Hmm looks like you're right....So use ems as the body font size and %
>> elsewhere.
> 1-WRT text size, there's no effective difference between using em and %.
> The only difference in compliant browsers WRT text size is CSS syntax, what
> follows the last numeral, and where the period belongs. Where the meaning
> of em and % differs is WRT sizes of objects other than text, e.g.
> containers and images.
> 2-Why set a size on the body at all? When you do that, you're in effect
> telling every user that his determination of optimal size is wrong. You
> can't know any such thing. You don't have his eyes. You can't see his
> screen. What you're doing changing the base size in em or % is usually
> different from using px mostly in degree, but the very same thing in
> overall concept - disrespect (usually, but not necessarily, e.g. if going
> bigger in order to be emphatic) for the user.
> Leaving font size out of body (and html) you're embracing the user's
> advance determination what an optimal base size is - he gets his preferred
> size as the base, and presumably, dominant size of page text, ideal for
> paragraphs and/or whatever other text makes up the majority of content.
> Explicit sizing of text should be reserved for text that has good reason to
> differ in size from the base size, things like headings, footnotes,
> superscripts, footer text and such. The bonus for you as stylist, is your
> CSS can be much simpler, and thus easier to build and maintain.
> --
> "The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
> words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)
>  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
> Felix Miata  ***  http://fm.no-ip.com/
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