nov 23 2014 17:58 Crest Christopher <>:

> Target / Context = Result So if your max page width is 960 and your container 
> is 650 then: 650/960=.677 (x100) so 67.7%
> How do I find my page max width, if the page width can be adjust at any time, 
> right now I don't know what my page width is so to give containers and so 
> forth the correct percentage widths.

Just pick a few numbers and resize upwards slowly from the smallest and watch 
what happens with your design. Pick breaking points where you have notice 
serious layout issues and adjust it going from there. In the beginning you 
probably can just start out with the MQs in any of the available mobile 
boilerplates, also if you don’t use these in full, and take it from there. 

It’s better to just start with just a few MQs and a really simple layout than 
to ponder on what to do. Experiment!

Again, I’d argue that it’s always best to let the content guide the design. 
Acknowledging content gives you limitations on what you can do, which should 
stimulate your design creativity. And mobile design is even more about the 
content itself.
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