I will try to see if I can create something to post that will recreate the

.wrap is relative positioning.

Chris, it does work but I think it looks great! ;-)

On Wed Jan 21 2015 at 11:00:52 PM Chris Rockwell <ch...@chrisrockwell.com>

> This is pretty ugly, but it works on Safari MAC :
> http://codepen.io/chrisrockwell/full/MYmdbo/
> Chris Rockwell
> On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 5:53 PM, Tom Livingston <tom...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Unfortunately, I still can't post a link for this. Hopefully someone
>> smarter than me can help me based on the following info. I'm still stumped
>> on this. The problem only appears in latest Safari.
>> Given this structure and style:
>> @media only screen and (min-width:960px){
>>      .topper{position:fixed;z-index:1000;}
>>      header{position:fixed;z-index:0;}
>>      section, aside, footer{position:relative;z-index:500;}
>> }
>> <div class="wrap">
>>      <div class="topper">[children]</div>
>>      <div class="header">[children, including html5 video element on one
>> page]</div>
>>      <section>[children]</section>
>>      <aside>[children]</aside>
>>      <footer>[children]</footer>
>> </div>
>> .topper is to be stacked above all others and fixed
>> header is to be behind others and fixed
>> section, aside and footer scroll on top of header and under topper
>> Narrower @media widths have no fixed elements. All position:relative;
>> Obviously there are more styles involved and there is additional
>> content/structure inside these main elements, but this works fine in
>> Chrome, FF and IE11. Safari (Mac) seems to have issues with the stacking.
>> When scrolling down some pages, the header is visually on top of the
>> footer
>> or aside until I hover any link inside the aside or footer. The entire
>> footer/aside then comes completely on top of the header as it is supposed
>> to. However, after this occurs, the section element is sometimes *behind*
>> the header which it wasn't previous to hovering the mentioned link. It's
>> really very odd. Almost browser-bug like.
>> I know a link is best, but does anyone have any ideas what might be
>> happening? I have read that position:fixed; can create stacking context
>> issues. I'm not sure what that means really or how to overcome it.
>> I've tried suggestions from the first time I posted this with no luck.
>> Any thoughts would be appreciated.
>> Thank you again in advance.
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