-Caveat Lector-

School to Work, HMO's etc. the list of what the Clintons have done is long
from this view point.
Milk and Diabetes
So anyone for "Cattle Futures"?  Curious how the meat packers do not have to
say how much they actually pay for meat.

This next part is some thing that "Seems" to have already been taken care of
in total, but it gives an idea of how far this thing was going to go.


Dear Jenni:  I wrote this and it was published in a magazine that went to
every member of Congress.  That ws end of Dr. Weldon  becomin g a candidate
for FDA Co mmissioner.  A new FDA commissioner, a woman,  has written been

BettyAt 08:01 PM 1/11/99 -0500, you wrote:
I received this on another list, and haven't seen it
here yet, so I thought I'd forward it.


>Dr. Virginia Weldon, VP for Public Policy at Monsanto Chemical is a "top
>candidate" to become Commissioner of the FDA, reported the St. Louis
> Post Dispatch Monday.  FDA approved Monsanto's NutraSweet, Equal
>and bovine hormone, Prosilac, which are under mounting international
>medical and consumer criticism as toxic substances. NutraSweet and
>Equal are Monsanto brands of the neurotoxin aspartame. The original
>developer of NutraSweet was Searle which was acquired by Monsanto
>in l985.  "If Weldon gets the appointment Monsanto will have its former
Vice >President empowered to bless dozens of new Monsanto bioengineered
>chemicals and sweeteners.  NutraSweet 2000 is slated for approval in l998
>according to 4/21/97 Chemical & Engineering News.  Has Dr. Weldon been
>told to approve it!  "These job swaps by FDA officials are a well oiled
>door that doesn't even squeak, it just stinks", says Betty Martini, founder
>Mission Possible.  "The FDA is Monsanto's Washington branch office."
>Monsanto researcher Margaret Miller who worked on the bovine growth
>hormone, transferred to FDA and got the job of reviewing her own research.
>Miller increased the antibiotic protocol for milk to permit an increase
>of 10,000 percent.  Cows treated with rBST require more antibiotics
> because of rampant udder infections.  Monsanto attorney Michael Taylor was
> hired by FDA to a powerful position where he could oversee the rBST
>In l977 Justice Department attorneys Sam Skinner and William Conlon
> were >assigned to prosecute Searle for submitting fradulent tests on
> NutraSweet.   They switched sides to join the defense lawyers and the
>case died when the statute of limitations expired.  On 2/7/86 the Wall
>Street Journal reported the probe of these two ex-U.S. Prosecutors  by
>Former FDA Commissioner Arthur Hull Hayes who approved NutraSweet and
>ignored the contrary recommendations of his own Task Force became a
>consultant to Searle's public relations firm, Burston Marsteller.  Hayes
>was being investigated for accepting gratuities when he quit.
>David Kessler, the FDA Commissioner who recently retired when questioned
>for padding his expense account, gave blanket approval to NutraSweet
>even though it has an allowable daily intake, without public notification
>June.  He has protected Monsanto by ignoring the FDA register of 10,000
>complaints and their published list of 92 reactions to aspartame from
>coma and blindness to seizures and death.  Kessler refused to demand
>chemical breakdown tests of the drug.  The original work was just done by
>year old Jennifer Cohen for a school science project as reported in the
>Chemical News, May 5.  She stored 7 cans of Diet Coke in a

> refrigeraetor
>for 10 weeks which broke down and released formaldehyde and
>diketopiperazine, a brain tumor agent.  The cola was analyzed by
> Winston >Laboratories in Ridgefield, New Jersey (201 -440-0022).
>According to the Food Chemical News the FDA said they knew it all along.
>On June 2, l995 H. J. Roberts, M.D. wrote Newt Gingrich and said: "..
>Congress must review this threat at a new open hearing (aspartame
>disease), and second, it should declare aspartame products to be an
>"imminent public health hazard" and withdraw them from the market"..
>He wrote on the association of brain tumors with aspartame in a peer
>reviewed report in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Vol 4, Number
>4, Winter 1991.  John W. Olney, M.D. made world news when he announced
>the increase in brain tumors (of the variety the rats developed
>in original studies) and questioned the link to aspartame in Nov. 96 in
>the J. Neuropath Exp. Neurol. Vol 55, No. 11.  As reported by Dr. Frank
>Walton on 60 Minutes, Dec 29, of 90 independent studies not funded by
> the manufacturer, 83 showed problems with aspartame.  Dr. Virginia Weldon
>now considered a top contender for FDA Commissioner appeared to defend the
>NutraSweet Co. (Monsanto).
>A demand for recall of aspartame has been issued by Mission Possible
>based on the fact that a pivotal study that approved aspartame, SC 18862,
>showed that aspartame triggered grand mal seizures in 6 out of 7 monkeys,
>7th died.  Mrs. Martini says: "I fail to see how grand mal seizures prove
>safety!  The FDA report of symptoms list 4 different types of seizures
>in the public."  Acting FDA Commissioner Michael Friedman has not answered
>this demand.
>James Turner, Washington based attorney, explained on 60 Minutes that
>the original studies on aspartame never proved safety and were not
>replicated.  The late FDA toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress
>aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment because it triggered brain tumors,
>astrocytomas (first stage of the deadly glioblastoma now said to be
>rampant in the population).  The Bressler Report exposed mammary,
>uterine and ovarian tumors.  Rats listed as dead appeared alive later in
>> >>

(This means that even though the rats were definatly dead from this
chemical - that they "the rats" were counted as still alive - Added by

>> >>
>Now comes a translator giving a notarized statement that Searle had
>replicated the studies on humans in other countries and that she and a
>Mexican physician translated them.  Even though the studies were short
>in duration, not over 18 months, she says subjects began dropping out with
>astrocytomas and seizures. This confirms the link of brain tumors to
>aspartame continually warned by Roberts and Olney. She says the studies
>were done on poor people in villages of South America and that the
>people were told aspartame was made from papaya.  Aspartame is a molecule
>composed of three components:  aspartic acid, phenylalanine and

>Methanol, a severe metabolic poison, converts to formaldehyde and
>formic acid and causes metabolic acidosis.  Phenylalanine and aspartic acid
>when isolated from the other amino acids in protein go past the blood brain
>barrier and deteriorate the neurons of the brain causing brain damage
>of varying degrees, according to H. J. Roberts, M.D., and neurosurgeon,
>Russell Blaylock, M.D.  Phenylalanine breaks down into DKP, the brain
>tumor agent. Conversion to DKP was admitted on secret trade information
>discussed in Congress.
>Dr. Virginia Weldon is a pediatrician, and Pediatric Professor, Dr.
>Louis Elsas (Emory/Genetics) testified before Congress in l987 that
>is a neurotoxin and teratogen (triggers birth defects!).  If she becomes
>the new FDA Commissioner will history repeat itself? "It's the same song in
>the same saloon with different dancers" says Martini.  "Play it again,
>> >>
>Contact:  Betty Martini, Mission Possible Worldwide, 770 242-2599
>> >>
>Request is made that this press release be added to web pages and
>forwarded to press in every state of this country, and every country of
>the world. President Clinton and Congress should be immediately
>Secret trade information, translator's statement and Cohen's report
>available to press
Dear Jenni:  I wrote this and it was published in a magazine that went to
every member of Congress.  That ws end of Dr. Weldon  becomin g a candidate
for FDA Co mmissioner.  A new FDA commissioner, a woman,  has written been

-----Original Message-----
Date: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Impeachment and Clinton

> -Caveat Lector-
>In a message dated 1/12/99 9:50:46 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
><< I'm also surprised by your " this whole issue should have been dropped
> it began" sentiments. Before Bill was impeached everyone was saying he
> never be impeached. Now they're saying he won't be removed from office
> they don't have the votes. If other evidence can be introduced from
> via witnesses vis a vis the major acts of treason associated with
> Presidency then he may be removed, and ironically, for the right reasons.
> Let's not forget that along with his litany of major and minor crimes I'm
> convinced he knew about the OKC bombing before-hand and used the murder of
> people, devastating the lives of hundreds more, to vilify "militia's",
> "patriot's", talk radio and anybody else who was critical of his
> the main objective was of course to push "The Anti-Terrorism Bill" which
> stalled in Congress. The Bill gave unprecedented powers to the President
> law enforcement. There is no crime, no principle, no moral, no life that
> won't sacrifice in order to further the agenda's of the people who put him
> there. That is why he has to go. Gavin. >>
>Gavin, for all the peripheral reasons that you mention I am all for
>this through, it is just disheartening to see it turn into a big cover-up
>protect others in the government.  It is my hope that more will come out
>many more will go down but it is not likely.  My concern is that this is
>turning into a morality issue, one in which the government will decide what
>moral position is "acceptable" and what one is not, which is EXACTLY where
>stand now (even though those of us in the know, so to speak, know that it
>nothing to do with the real issues in this whole debate).  The government
>intrudes in my life enough, WAY too much in fact, right now and I don't
>to give them any more opportunities to do so.  That is my concern.  I am
>frustrated that the real issues were not brought up immediately and that be
>the focus of this investigation.
>CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
>screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
>and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
>frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
>spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
>gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
>be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
>nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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