-Caveat Lector-

My, my getting testy aren't we.

In a message dated 1/14/99 11:58:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> Gee, hypocrite hawk, how come we are not still doing this today? Taking
>> in warfare? I mean the Bible says we can; sez H. Hawk.
>We, who?  I'm not, for one reason, because I'm not fighting any wars at this
>time... Maybe later.
Well, let us see, hawk didn't answer this question. Just some 'cute' words.
>> So a slave has his personal sovereignty?  I would submit that his personal
>> sovereignty has been stolen. You just continue to show yourself to be an
>> ignorant hypocrite.
>And you continue to show yourself the equivalent of a gradeschool fool... I
>whatever you are doing, you are needed somewhere as the village idiot.
Again, hawk has not answered any question or dealt with the issue at hand but
has resorted to name calling and more 'cute' answers. I submit again, does a
slave have personal sovereignty?
>> Did Jesus have long hair?
>I don't know...
Hawk can you please tell me what rules are valid in the Old Testament and
which aren't?


In a message dated 1/14/99 11:55:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> You sir are still a hypocrite and you are not a follower of Jesus AKA The
>> Christ.
>You don't know what you're talking about..... as usual.
What is it, that do I not know what I am talking about, sir?
>> Who wrote Corinthians?
>> Paul/Saul the persecuter and Roman stooge.
>"All scripture is inspired by God, and is profitable...."
So is the Bible infallible and inerrant?
>> Do unto others as you would have them to do you.
>I usually try to follow this... Do you?  If so, then you should love being
>a hypocrite and a liar.
So, how come you do not wish to be a slaveholder nor slave, and allow for
institution of slavery to be "blessed' by G*d.
>> What day do you keep as the sabbath?
>None of your business.
Fraid to show your true colours?

In a message dated 1/15/99 12:01:03 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>  -Caveat Lector-
>>  Gee, You are pretty crafty with your answers there. Gosh , I just don't
>> but like I say you are a hypocrite coward still in the pocket of a corrupt
>> government and military.
>Oh, now I'm a hypocrite AND a coward... sure... And still in the pocket of a
>currpt government -- no, but my earnings are surely in their pockets... as
>military, I haven't been associated with them for more years than you've been
>conscious... but then, that isn't saying much.
Gee, thanks for the personal attack. You must really be old.
Yes, you are a coward and ignorant. A coward for not informing us citizens of
the illegal  actions you and our government have taken. Stand-up and be a man.
And ignorant for working for the military and particpating in unconstituional
>> Ignorant also.
>Yes... I am ignorant of many things... But, on the other hand, you are
Again thanks for the personal attack. Ignorance is lacking knowledege or
understanding. To call someone stupid is to say they are very mentally slow in
In a message dated 1/15/99 12:09:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>However, there is only ONE correct interpretation of any written passage...
>that is what the writer had in mind when he wrote it... The trick is to
>what that was... and this is best done by following rules of hermaneutics (a
>of study of which you admit you have no experience).
Well, I guess, we can call him Pope Hawk, cause he is infallable and knows the
ONE CORRECT INTERPRETATION.  Gee, I wonder if there is any disagrement among
hermaeuticians? What a chauvanist.
In a message dated 1/15/99 12:45:39 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Carlene, you need to realize something.  RoadsEnd, otherwise known as Kris
>> Milligan IS THE LIST OWNER and chief moderator/editor, therefore he can do
>> anything he wants.  Additionally do you think he is going to sit idly by
>> people make ridiculous statements in support of slavery using the Bible for
>> justification?
>You, Sir, are an ignorant son-of-a-bitch... I issue the same challenge to you
>I issued to dumb-ass... You show me ONE statement I made "in support of
>Then, while you're at it, show me ONE biblical passage that condemns slavery.
>cannot do it, and yet you add your stupid remarks to those of Kris... I keep
>asking him, and now I challenge you... Show me just one biblical passage that
>slavery is immoral... AND show me just one place where I have supported
>said I was advocate slavery.

Again, I am sure we all appreciate your level of discourse and your personal
attack upon people and their mothers.

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. "

Hhawk sez: "I would have to reject slavery, either an an owner or a slave. But
as a Christian, I cannot condemn it."

Not condemning it, is supporting it.

>> Kris is merely calling the kettle black and asking him to answer his
>> questions.
>Damn! You're stupid!  What Kris has been doing, and what you are applauding
>dumb-ass Kris's continually calling me a hypocrite and a liar, but never ONCE
>producing evidence of a lie or any inconsistency with what I say and what I
>practice.  On the other hand, I have patiently answere EVERY question the
>has asked... Take up the challenge... show me otherwise.
Why are you cursing a human? Thanks, again for the personal attacks.  I have
never once called you a liar, sir.  And you have not answered every question.
I believe the problem, sir, is that you are ignorant of what a hypocrite is.
Your reasonings are very inconsistent with the teachings of Jesus the Nazerite
AKA The Christ.

>>  I thought this issue was satisfactorily addressed, why is it that you are
>>having a hard time with it?  Calling someone a hypocrite when they are one
>> not name calling it is merely telling it like it is.

>The issue has not been addressed AT ALL, much less "satisfactorily."  Calling
>someone a hypocrite WITHOUT A SHRED OF EVIDENCE is nothing by juvenile
>name-calling.... and hasn't a damn thing to do with 'telling it like it is.'
>However, I'm glad you jumped in here Teo10 or whatever... YOU point out the
>inconsistency between what I say and what I do... Ball's in your court...
jump on
What evidence does one need but your pathetic attempts to show that G*d and
'Holy' scripture sanction and give blessings to the institution of slavery.

>Then maybe you should remind your pal Kris of this rule... I certainly have
>violated it.. If so, show me where I used the bible to proseliytize... nor
have I
>urged anyone to believe it.. What I said was that calling something a "sin"
>requires a bit more than mere personal opinion, and that the Southern people
>the mid 1800's looked to the bible as their source for determining right and
>wrong.. If that isn't a fact, then YOU produce evidence to the contrary..
This is
>beginning to sound like a broken record...
Sir, we live in republic not a theocracy. And because some ignorant people
used the Bible to justify their own deplorable actions does not validate their
interpretations of scripture or sanctify their actions.
>> Using the Bible in arguing CONSPIRACY THEORY is acceptable, or to try and
>> support ideas that are related to conspiracy theory.

>Have you reminded Kris of this rule?  Where is this rule posted?  Did you
make it
>up just now?

>> You want to argue religious conspiracy, like how Paul, formerly known as
>> becomes the chief proponent of "Christianity" and an Apostle when he never
>>the Lord, and worked so much evil against the nascent church, that is okay.
>> You want to argue how Paul's writing contradict those of Jesus on a number
>> points, or perhaps how he seemed to have many friends in Rome and may not
>> suffered as he would have everyone believe, that is okay too.  Arguments
>> point out Paul's reliance upon the Mystery religions, such as Mithras and
>> Attis worship for the main forms of religious expression in "Christianity"
>> would also be acceptable.

>Stupid, but anything goes...
Now that is an intelligent answer.

>> These are only examples of course, and many others would also have equal
>> validity as things that might require the Bible to support the position.
>> proselytizing is allowed, so questions of faith and belief are not

>blah, blah, blah.... give me a break!

> >The reason that Kris is going into the Bible himself is that he is trying
> >illustrate the hypocrisy of Hawk in his statements regarding slavery.

>And, I might add, he's doing a piss poor job... He hasn't found a singe
passage or
>verse ... and neither will you... Prove me wrong.
Do unto other as you would have them do unto.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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