-Caveat Lector-

-----Original Message-----
From: "Rapture Watch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Rapture Watch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, January 19, 1999 7:00 PM
Subject: Alien to the Truth

Rapture Watch

Alien to the Truth - Update 1999
January 17, 1999

     By our recollection, in a book of fact and fiction by Dave
Hunt, a scene is presented where men of political and
religious authority have a clandestine meeting in a hanger.  The
meeting is held in a hanger because they are there to
view an alien spacecraft and to have an encounter with
extraterrestrials who pilot it.

     An unusual report, from the Nov. 18, 1998 Tampa Bay Online
News, that Pope John Paul II is scheduled to have
a private meeting with President Clinton on Jan. 26, 1999 at an
Air National Guard hanger in St. Louis, Missouri has
prompted us to update our message  “Alien to the Truth”.

   Although this meeting between the pope and the president in a
military hanger may entail nothing more than the
mundane, due to the lateness of the hour on God’s timeline and
the secretive nature of the popes visit, we could not
help but ponder the curious possible parallels, which may exist
between fiction, speculation, and present day reality.

     One of the truly intriguing mysteries found in the Bible’s
prophetic Scriptures is the revelation that when Jesus
Christ the King of kings returns to earth the aspiring world
dictator known as the Anti-Christ and his armies will
actually dare to believe that they can conquer Christ and His
host from Heaven.  Quoting from the Book of
Revelation Chapter 19:11, 14 and 19 we read the following:
“Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse.
And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in
righteousness He judges and makes war...And the
armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,
followed Him on white horses...And I saw the beast and the
kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make
war against Him who sat on the horse and against His

     That mere mortals will believe that they are capable of
defeating God Almighty is mind boggling and yet it is
possible that this will be the very thinking of a demon
possessed world ruled by the powers of Satan at the close of
this age.  But another possibility, which is ever present, as is
revealed by current news items is the possible deception
of the masses into believing that they are going to do battle
with mortal beings from another planet.

     In the July 23, 1989 edition of the Gazette Telegraph in an
article, which headlined  “Waging Peace”, we have this
revealed insight into the thinking of men who have held the
highest positions, we quote “...former President Ronald
Reagan, who called the Soviet Union “the evil empire,” came to
believe there might be more foreboding enemies.  In
1985, when he first met with Gorbachev to think about how easy
their two jobs might be “if suddenly there was a
threat to this world from some other species from another planet
outside the universe.  We’d forget all the little local
differences that we have between our countries,” he told
Gorbachev, “and we would find out once and for all that we
really are human beings here on Earth together.”

     Included in the Star Wars Defense Initiative was the plan
for orbiting weapons to have the ability to change their
positioning to aim outward towards space in order to defend
earth from any extraterrestrial threat.  Here we can see
the motive of uniting a global New World Order invites the ruse
of an alien threat.

     Over the years, there has been a bombardment of material
saturating the media concerning extraterrestrials.  The
blockbuster sci-fi movie “Independence Day” was the cover story
of the July 8, 1996 issue of Time magazine.  The
movie is about an alien invasion of earth that is thwarted by a
united world effort.  A perspective given in the article
gives food for thought, as to why, this incredulous movie is
such a hit.  Quoting from Time we read,  “We are a
superstitious species, and we need to look outside ourselves for
something larger that will bring either calamity or
wisdom or maybe both.  This is about belief, not just box

     The preparing of men’s minds for belief in
extraterrestrials to take root gained great strides on Aug. 7,
1996.  This
was the day the announcement was broadcast in the world’s media
that NASA scientists had found, what they
believe was evidence supporting that there had been life on

     The USA Today article of Aug. 7, 1996, which headlined
“Meteorite from Mars hints at life”, reported that  “A
meteorite from Mars found in Antarctica shows chemical traces of
organic compounds deposited in such a way that
they could only have come from biological activity, scientists
from NASA said.”  The conclusion perpetuated by this
announcement is that life on other planets is a rather common

     Men will choose to believe this instead of studies, which
refute NASA’s announcement, such as the paper from
the Institute of Meteoritics at the University of New Mexico.
The report in the Gazette Telegraph article of Aug. 9,
1996 from the University of New Mexico, which headlined  “Mars
rock lacks evidence of life”, revealed that a key
life fingerprint of biological activity is absent from the

     Biblically from Genesis to Revelation the Scriptures give
absolutely no support to the notion that alien creatures
live on other planets, and in contrast communicates the absolute
uniqueness of life (apart from supernatural entities)
found on earth.

     In a Newsweek article, reprinted in the August, 1996 issue
of the Colorado Christian News, a recent poll showed
that  “48% of Americans believe UFOs are real and 29% think we’
ve made contact with aliens.  Another 48% think
there’s a government plot to cover up the whole thing.”

     In perfect synch with the trail of clues being left to lead
the world to believe in an alien presence the Gazette
Telegraph article of June, 1997, which headlined  “Pentagon:
“Aliens were test dummies” reveals a report, which
will cause even more suspicion and conviction of a cosmic
cover-up.  The article stated that,  “The Pentagon plans to
issue a report soon conceding that alien-like bodies have fallen
from the skies over New Mexico.  Man-made
dummies.  Rubbery, humanoid-shaped dummies with no body hair,
ears or noses.  According to the report, the
dummies were part of  top secret tests on high-altitude
parachuting, plunging to the ground from giant balloons in
the 1940’s and 1950’s...Pentagon spokeswoman Gloria Cales
said...that the report will be issued soon, that it will
contain “some surprise,” but that the government will stick to
its guns that there is no evidence UFOs have ever
visited earth.”

     Since there is no reasonable explanation offered for having
kept parachute tests from the 1940’s and 50’s
designated top secret until 1997, believers in UFOs will
automatically have their suspicions of a cover-up reinforced
and fueled.  Official reports of alien-like dummies is in effect
to a believer in UFOs an admission that the Roswell
incident of 1947 was a clandestine operation which continues to
be effectively covered up.  This follows a 1994 Air
Force report, which further planted seeds of a major cover-up,
when it was reported that what crashed in 1947 at
Roswell was not a flying saucer, nor a weather balloon as
officially reported by the Army on July 8, 1947, but a top
secret spying device to detect suspected Soviet nuclear blasts.

     “The big question is, why all the constant revisions and
confessions in the 1990’s?  Surely we are not to believe
that the innuendo generated by the unproducible debris of “wood
sticks and tin foil” found at Roswell in 1947 is
causing resolve of the Pentagon to crumble after 50 years”.
(Time magazine, June 23, 1997).

     The truth of Scripture is that the world will soon be
united through the means of a great deception.  We believe
this lie will spring forth from belief in evolution and
extraterrestrial life from other planets.  God warns us in II
2:11-12 that in these last days He would send a strong delusion
to those who have pleasure in unrighteousness and
believe not the truth.

     The Lord will send forth the Anti-Christ at the start of
the Tribulation as is revealed in Rev. 6:2.  It may very well
be that stories of alien activity from the Anti-Christ will
provide the explanation for the disappearance of  all true
believers in Jesus Christ at the event prophesied in I Cor.
15:51-54 known as the Rapture, and for the visible
resurrection and the taking up to heaven of the two murdered
prophets described in Chapter 11 of the Book of

     We do not believe that it was a coincidence that also
during the month of June, 1997 on the 18th and 19th that a
substantial number of lengthy video tapes of a UFO seen over
Arizona were shown on  major news broadcasts
across the nation.  The 700 to 800 foot V-shaped UFO reportedly
flew silently at approximately 35 miles per hour
over Phoenix, Arizona at an estimated height of only 150 to 200
yards at times.  The dubious craft could be visually
seen by its supposed running lights but could not be picked up
on radar.

     These are the last days that Jesus and the prophets have
warned of.  Today is the day to put your faith in the
Risen Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins (Acts

Jamma M.

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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