-Caveat Lector-

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I'll admit that I have not read the material thoroughly or completely.
>But I
>am familiar with it.  At least enough to comment.  You, of course would be
>aware that many academics have called into question whether Sitchin is as
>a Sumerian scholar as he leads people to believe.  Contact DasGoat on this
>issue since he has provided me with some interesting information
>regarding his
>knowledge of Sumerian.  Apart from some questions regarding his level of
>knowledge I still think the theory, as the one in "The Gods of Eden", and
>of what Van Danniken propose is unsupportable.  A lot of times these
>because of their obvious bias refuse to look at alternative explanations
>things that they interpret a special way, which in this case is
>extraterrestrial in origin, at least according to them.  Mind you, it
>might be
>true, but there simply is no evidence to support such things.  In the
>of evidence it is nothing but interesting speculation (something that I
>intriguing too, but cannot embrace as factual, which is my opinion on
>much of
>the conspiracy dogma being bandied about, particularly in the conspiracy
>history area, especially when such one sided arguments are proposed i.e.;
>aliens did it all, aliens fill in the role of the "missing link" these
>Still thanks for your input, it is always welcome.  What is most
>in this whole scenario to me is the fact that the proponents of an alien
>interventionist agenda, and a person who supports the ETH of UFO origin,
>those who "believe" that alien abduction is really abduction by non-human
>intelligences from another place, are the MOST dogmatic in support of
>pet theory and will usually brook no truck with the opposition (such as
>perfectly human origin for the phenomena).  They are the ones who are
>completely unreasonable.  Mind you I'm NOT saying that your are in this
>just pointing out something for you to consider.  Myself I don't believe
>other life elsewhere or that we have been visited by alien intelligences
>elsewhere, and that is because of lack of evidence that is convincing or
>conclusive.  HOWEVER, I don not make a dogmatic and blanket denial of the
>possible reality of such beings, they may, in fact, exist, but I feel more
>comfortable resting on evidence rather than on speculation.  At least in
>matter!!  (Note I reserve the right to ignore this injunction if an off
>wall theory really catches my eye!  :)  )

i am well aware of dasgoat's position on these matters and for the most
part we agree. my position is not to believe everything and to believe
everything. sitchin's writings provide a better explanation for what is,
than the creationists or the evolutionists. evolution is more likely to
have taken certain leaps than not. i believe also that the evidence is out
there but is being concealed, along with certain ufo connected stuff. it
is almost like this is the ultimate conspiracy because it denies us our
celestial roots.
maybe it is because this stuff has been with me for so long but i cannot
even consider the possibility that it is any other way. in this belief i
am connected to my roots. i do not know if you have had any advanced
courses in halucinagenics but; in that realm there is no other
explanation. that halucinagenics exist at all is a testiment to higher
consciousness and higher beings. i could loose all of this belief at the
next passing thought, and i allow for that possibility but for now this is
what i think.
my opinion about reincarnation is pretty much the same as my belief on all
of these matters and that is that; i could be inclined to believe it and a
lot of people say that they have a good reason to believe it but; until i
have a solidly good reason to believe, there will always be the question.
edgar cayce makes a very good study but not until i find it for myself.

it is a good thing to be skeptical about everything and then only those
things that you are not skeptical of, get you. that is relatively true in
almost all realms of belief.

ramblin' guy


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