-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Teo One Thousand wrote:
><< Within the following year, I started exhibiting the first symptoms of
> what would be eventually diagnosed as Hashimoto's thyroiditis...when I
> asked the endocrinologist what causes it, she said they aren't sure, that
> there are any number of causes/triggers, a severe bout of flu being one
> of them... >>
>You mind telloing me what the symptoms are for this malady?  I may be
>experiencing Thyroid problems also.

Hashimoto's is just one type of hypothyroidism...an underactive thyroid.
In my case, 'something' triggered my thyroid to think that it's own
tissue was an invading organism, and so it attacked itself, destroying
most of its tissue...I have perhaps only a quarter or less of my thyroid
still 'alive' and functioning...

The thyroid regulates all the other endocrine systems and hence affects
ALL major organs and systems of the body...so there's no simple and easy
answer to the question "What symptoms do I look for?", since what one may
be experiencing can manifest as an increase in allergies, as a heart
problem, digestive disorders, headaches, increased susceptibility to
infection, problems with the reproductive system....

But generally, if one is hypothyroid, you'd find yourself tired most of
the time, or getting tired easily....you'd probably tend to feel colder
than everyone else (indeed, a simple test to check for hypothyroidism is
to take one's basal temp every morning -- first thing upon awakening,
before doing anything else, you take your temp -- opinions vary about
whether to take it orally, or by sticking it under your armpit for 10
minutes -- and record your temps for every morning for two weeks...if
you're hypothyroid, you'll find you're running a few degrees below
normal) (the armpit temp's normal temp is a few decimals below one's oral

Another common sign is very dry skin, and one may or may not have a
goiter...also one tends to lose one's appetite, but ironically tends to
put on weight (or find it difficult if not impossible to lose weight)

Hyperthyroidism differs in this respect, in that sufferers tend to gain a
greater appetite but continue to lose weight...but other than symptoms
like heart palpitations and insomnia, those suffering from
hyperthyroidism very often exhibit similar symptoms to those suffering
hypothyroidism, because as I said, the thyroid's function is to regulate
everything else, so when it malfunctions via either extreme, the symptoms
that manifest are usually via something 'down the road'....

Thyroid disorders can also affect one's mood...hyper's tend to be hyper,
hypos tend towards depression...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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