-Caveat Lector-

Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 12:30 PM
Subject: Dead Men Tell NO Tales!

I think this is an article that needs to be read by one and all.

Dead Men Tell no Tales


In August 1994, American businessman K.S. Wu traveled with Ron Brown to
Communist China. Today, Mr. Wu is reported to be dead, and no one in the
Democratic National Committee (DNC) wants to talk about him.
Mr. Wu traveled with several major donors to the DNC, including Bernard
Schwartz, CEO of Loral, Sanford Robertson, CEO of Robertson & Stephens, and
Edwin Lupenberger, CEO of Entergy Corp. Wu was invited to various special
events, including a post Hong Kong dinner and Democratic fund-raiser.

Wu, a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University, also having done graduate
at Yale, was a very busy man, according to his official Commerce Dept.
information sheet. In 1994, he was chairman of Pacific Century Group, a
of the board of directors of the Singapore Fund, the Japan Equity Fund, the
China Direct Fund and the Sinung Corporation. Wu was also a board member of
the Georgetown University Asian Law Program and the Enprotech Corporation.

With Wu on that August '94 trip to China, was West Virginia Gov. Gaston
Caperton, who in 1996 described Wu as a "close friend" and a "trusted
to Senator Rockefeller."

Today, none dare speak of Mr. Wu. Former Gov. Caperton, Democrat Sen.
Rockefeller both refused to comment on the late K.S. Wu. All questions to
senator's office on K.S. Wu have been greeted by with the same answer, a
and angry "no comment."

Yet, Wu was certainly considered to be an important enough businessman to
invite on the 1994 China trade trip. Wu was important enough to deserve an
invitation to a Hong Kong hotel party attended by Brown and assorted
millionaires from the Far East. According to an attendance list obtained
the files of Ron Brown, the Hong Kong trade event was sponsored by Counsel
General Richard W. Mueller. The event was a dinner held in honor of Ron
at the Peak Hotel in Hong Kong.

Attendees at the posh reception included DNC donors Robertson, Lupenberger,
and Schwartz, along with a host of other U.S. corporate executives who
millions of dollars to the DNC. Furthermore, the DNC was represented at the
Hong Kong Peak event by Loren Keith Stanton, a fund-raiser and vice chairman
of "Democrats Abroad."

The dinner for Ron Brown at the Peak Hotel also included bankers for the
Chinese army. Top on the list was Robert Adams, the governor of the American
Chamber of Commerce and then the executive director of China International
Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC).

CITIC is the bank of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), providing financing
for the Chinese army's weapons sales and western technology purchases. CITIC
serves as the chief investment arm of China's central government and holds
ministry status on the Chinese State Council.

This was not the first meeting with the PLA banking and finance division for
Ron Brown during the August 1994 trade trip. Brown, Lupenberger, and Wu all
met with the top man in CITIC during the previous stop in Beijing.

According to documents forced from the White House by legal action, these
gentlemen met with Chinese billionaire Li Ka-Shing in Beijing, and in Hong
Kong. Why Li Ka-Shing was tagging along was all too obvious. Li is a
of CITIC bank and a close associate of the Chinese navy.

Lupenberger and Wu were given White House information sheets on every major
member of the communist Chinese leadership. The White House bios included
on the most important Chinese Communist citizens from President Jiang Zemin
the mayor of Shanghai. The only civilian included by the White House was Li
Ka-Shing, director of CITIC.

Li Ka-Shing owns the vast shipping enterprise, Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. Li
works closely with the official PRC shipping carrier, COSCO. Li and COSCO
both ends of the Panama Canal. Li and COSCO tried to buy the former Navy
at Long Beach. Li financed several satellite deals between Hughes and China
Hong Kong Satellite (CHINASAT), a company half owned by the Peoples
Army. Li Ka-Shing and the Chinese Navy nearly obtained four huge
off container ships, financed by the American taxpayer.

However, Mr. Wu and Li Ka-Shing shared more than just a single trade trip to
China in 1994. Wu's attendance at such high-level events becomes less of a
mystery when he and his so-called America investment company come into
Wu, according to the official Commerce Department information sheet, was
chairman of Pacific Century Group, an investment firm working to finance
electric power plants inside China with U.S. money.

Of course, if you mention electric power in West Virginia you will find a
answer lying underground, coal.

Pacific Century, according to sources on Capitol Hill, is actually a front
company part owned by Li Ka-Shing and Macau prostitution and drug-lord Ng
Lapseng. The U.S.-based business run by Wu was actually then owned by
billionaire Li Ka-Shing and a major organized crime boss. The Ng family
dominance of Far East heroin, and oriental female love slaves in California,
Oregon, and Washington is well known to law enforcement at both the state
federal levels.

In fact, Wu was related to Ng. Ng, also a major donor to the DNC, often
introduced himself as "Mister Wu." K.S. Wu was a cousin of Ng Lapseng.
lord Ng actually entered the Clinton's inner-circle by introducing large
amounts of cash to the DNC. Proof of this can be seen in a wonderful
photograph of Mr. Ng with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton at a DNC fund-raising event.

Mr. Wu's information sheet included several different phone numbers for the
Pacific Century Group. Attempts to seek more information from Mr. Wu's
were fruitless. It should shock no one to find that repeated calls to the
Pacific Century Group for ex-chairman K.S. Wu were not returned. No Pacific
Century official would comment on their departed CEO, the deals in China, or
their relationship with the Democratic Party.

The 1994 trade trip to China included a Lippo-backed power project in China
with an Arkansas-based company called Entergy Corp. Former DNC fund-raisers
Ira Sockowitz and John Huang worked at the Commerce Department and were
charged by Brown to "vet" or check out the Entergy project in China.

"The signing of the MOU (memorandum of understanding)," notes the
Huang/Sockowitz vet document, "demonstrates another level of agreement with
not only NCPG (North China Power Group), but Central Government Approval
through the Ministry of Power as well. Total Value $1 billion, American
Content $465,000,000 ... Next steps include Central government's approval of
the rate of return and manufacturing equipment and project financing.
has approached ExIm."

Lupenberger and Wu attended the trade mission to China on the personal
authority of President Clinton. Lupenberger also personally donated over
$80,000 to Democratic candidates prior to the flight. Wu brought investors
eager to finance the operation, including money laundered from his family
holdings in Macau.

Commerce documents show Edwin Lupenberger, Maria Haley, then head of the
Export Import Bank, K.S. Wu, and Li Ka-Shing, all met Madam Wu Yi. Madam Wu
was then the head of China's Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation (MOFTEC). The investments made through Pacific Century were to
back a joint Lippo/Chinese "soft coal" power plant.

John Huang, Ron Brown, Edwin Lupenberger, Senator Rockefeller, and K.S. Wu
helped to obtain the financing from U.S. citizens and taxpayers to build
"soft" coal fired plants in the Far East -- coal fired plants that cannot
American coal.

The sole source of U.S. soft coal is the state of Utah. Utah also happens to
be the number one state competing with West Virginia on the coal export
market. President Clinton declared most of Utah to be off-limits to coal
mining without legislation, using a presidential executive order. With this
single act, Clinton enhanced the standing of Democratic West Virginia and
punished Republican-dominated Utah.

The interests of Bill Clinton, PRC billionaire Li Ka-Shing, crime boss Ng
Lapseng and Lippo Group billionaire Moctar Riady merged to provide American
money to build the "soft" coal-fired plants. The "soft" coal power plant
was a perfect DNC operation, combining kick-backs from organized crime with
money from the Chinese army and a raid on Republicans, all in one stroke.

K.S. Wu died in late 1995. No one will comment on his death. No one will
comment on his life. No information on how or when (or if) Mr. Wu died is

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