-Caveat Lector-


  "U.S. soldiers called upon to enforce a 'peace' accord that
  turns Kosovo over to  the  KLA  might be interested to know
  that they are risking their lives on behalf of  a  criminal
  syndicate  that  for  years has pumped heroin into the U.S.
  and  threatened  the  lives  of  American  law  enforcement
  officials." [1]

(CNNS, 03/25/99) -- New York City is the final destination of the
Istanbul-Yugoslavia-New York heroin pipeline.  Between 25 and  40
percent of the U.S. heroin supply travels this route. [2]

Controlling the Yugoslav portion  of  this heroin pipeline is the
Albanian mafia, itself hand-in-glove with the  Kosovo  Liberation
Army  (KLA).   The  KLA  is  "an international drug-dealing mafia
masquerading as an idealistic liberation army." [3]

Narco dollars  buy  the  guns  which  keep  the "liberation army"

Until recently, Agim Gashi, an ethnic Albanian from  Kosovo,  was
Milan,  Italy's  foremost  drug  lord.   He used his illegal drug
profits  to  help  the  KLA  purchase  weapons.   Italian  police
eavesdropped on  one  of  Gashi's  phone  conversations, in which
Gashi fervently declared his wish to "submerge Christian infidels
in drugs." [4]

For some unknown reason  the  U.S.  has  been  quietly  eager  to
intrude U.S. armed forces into the Kosovo region.  But a fig leaf
was  needed,  behind  which  to  hide  the  true  motive,  before
intervention  could  occur.   According  to  a report by the U.S.
Senate Republican Policy Committee  (RPC), dated August 12, 1998,
"planning for a U.S.-led  NATO  intervention  in  Kosovo  is  now
largely  in  place...   The  only  missing element seems to be an
event -- with suitably  vivid  media  coverage -- that would make
the intervention politically salable..."  [5]

What  was  needed was a *causa belli*, a pretext for war, such as
in the now infamous "Tonkin  Gulf  Incident."  On August 4, 1964,
President Lyndon Johnson gravely announced that  U.S.  destroyers
had  been attacked by the North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin.
Widespread  outrage  propelled  the  Gulf  of  Tonkin  Resolution
through Congress and pushed us  into  the Vietnam War. Now, after
58,000 U.S. soldiers dead and $400 billion spent,  it's  becoming
increasingly  clear that the Tonkin Gulf Incident, as such, never
happened!  Writes Jonathan Kwitny in his book, "Endless Enemies":
"What we know is  entirely  consistent  with the possibility that
the Tonkin Gulf Incident was a put-up job, designed to sucker the
North Vietnamese into providing justification for a planned  U.S.
expansion of the war..."  [6]

Phase 2 of the Kosovo *causa belli* may be a staged event of Serb
troops supposedly crossing  over  into  Macedonia.  Such a staged
event would "excuse" NATO troops, now massed  in  Macedonia,  for
invading Kosovo.

Phase  1  of the Kosovo *causa belli*, the needed fig leaf behind
which to justify  NATO  air  attacks,  was the mid-January, 1999,
supposed discovery of a massacre of ethnic Albanians.   Yet  here
again,  as  in  the  Tonkin  Gulf Incident, later analysis raises
troubling questions.   Asks  the  French  newspaper, *Le Figaro*,
"What really happened?  During the night, could  the  [KLA]  have
gathered  the bodies, in fact killed by Serb bullets, to set up a
scene of cold-blooded massacre?"   [7]  Also expressing doubts on
the believability of  the  so-called  "Racak  massacre"  was  *Le
Monde*  newspaper  correspondent Christophe Chatelot:  "Isn't the
Racak massacre just too perfect?"  [8]

"When  will  they ever learn...  When will they ever learn," sang
Peter, Paul and Mary ("Where  have all the flowers gone?").  When
will *we* ever learn?  When will we ever learn  that  politicians
and mainstream reporters are not to be trusted?

---------------------------<< Notes >>---------------------------
[1]  "Diving  Into the Kosovo Quagmire," by William Norman Grigg.
New American magazine, 3/15/99.
[2] Wall Street Journal, 9/9/85. Qtd. in Grigg, op. cit.
[3]  Analysis  by  Ben  Works,  director  of  Strategic  Research
Institute of the United States (SIRIUS). Qtd. in Grigg, op. cit.
[4] Grigg, op. cit.
[5] Analysis by  U.S.  Senate  Republican Policy Committee (RPC),
8/12/98. Qtd. in Grigg, op. cit.
[6]  Kwitny,  qtd. in *It's A Conspiracy!* by Michael Litchfield.
Berkeley: Earth Works Press, 1992. ISBN: 1-879682-10-9.
[7] *Le Figaro* article, qtd. in Grigg, op. cit.
[8] Chatelot, qtd. in Grigg, op. cit.

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