-Caveat Lector-

 from:  http://www.latimes.com/HOME/NEWS/NATION/t000029989.html

 Los Angeles Times
 Sunday, April 4, 1999

 Sunday Report

 Testimony Links Top China Official, Funds for Clinton
 Ex-Democratic fund-raiser Chung told U.S. investigators
 that military intelligence chief secretly directed $300,000
 to help president in '96.  Embassy spokesman denies Beijing
 was involved in elections.

 Times Staff Writers

 WASHINGTON -- The chief of China's military intelligence secretly
 directed funds from Beijing to help reelect President Clinton in
 1996, former Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung has told federal

 Chung says he met three times with the intelligence official,
 Gen. Ji Shengde, who ordered $300,000 deposited into the Torrance
 businessman's bank account to subsidize campaign donations intended
 for Clinton, according to sources familiar with Chung's sealed
 statements to federal prosecutors.

 During their initial meeting on Aug. 11, 1996, in Hong Kong,
 Ji conveyed to Chung the Chinese government's specific interest
 in supporting Clinton:

 "We like your president," Ji said, according to sources familiar
 with Chung's grand jury testimony.  Chung testified that he was
 introduced to the intelligence chief by the daughter of China's
 retired senior military officer.

 Chung's testimony has provided investigators the first direct link
 between a senior Chinese government official and illicit foreign
 contributions that were funneled into Clinton's 1996 reelection
 effort.  It is the strongest evidence to emerge -- in two years of
 federal investigations -- that the highest levels of the Chinese
 government sought to influence the U.S. election process.

 Key aspects of Chung's testimony, which has not been made public,
 have been corroborated by financial records in the United States
 and Hong Kong, according to law enforcement and other sources.

 It is illegal for U.S. political parties or candidates to accept
 contributions from foreign sources.  Only a portion of the $300,000
 made it into Democratic campaign coffers, records show.

 A spokesman for China's embassy in Washington denied any
 involvement in the 1996 elections.

 "We are very categoric in our denial of these allegations," said
 the spokesman, Yu Shuning.  "All these allegations about so-called
 Chinese government officials' political contributions into U.S.
 campaigns are sheer fabrications."

 This week, Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji is scheduled to meet
 Clinton in Washington and attend a state dinner in Zhu's honor at
 the White House.  Zhu will make the first stop of his U.S. visit
 in Los Angeles on Tuesday.

 On Friday, White House spokesman Jim Kennedy said the
 administration had no knowledge about the source of Chung's
 donations during the 1996 campaign and declined to comment on
 "allegations regarding intelligence matters."

 Chung, 44, a Taiwan-born American citizen who lives in Artesia,
 Calif., was one of the most prominent figures in the 1996 campaign
 finance scandal.  He contributed more than $400,000 to various
 Democratic campaigns and causes, visited the White House no fewer
 than 50 times and brought numerous Chinese associates to events
 with the president and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

 He pleaded guilty last year to election law violations and became
 the first major figure to cooperate with a Justice Department
 investigation of campaign finance abuses, including a probe into
 improper foreign donations.  A number of contributors have been
 indicted in the scandal.

 Chung's assistance earned him a strong recommendation for leniency,
 resulting in a sentence of probation and community service in
 December.  Chung has told friends that he would like to write a
 book about his experiences.

 Gen. Ji, the Chinese intelligence chief, was named by Chung in
 sworn grand jury testimony and in statements made to Justice
 Department investigators during extensive interviews from December
 1997 through March 1998.  Chung also turned over cartons of
 financial records.

 Chung told investigators that he and Ji were brought together by
 Liu Chaoying, the daughter of retired Gen. Liu Huaqing.  At the
 time, she was a Chung business partner as well as a lieutenant
 colonel in the People's Liberation Army.

 Leads Provided by Chung Pursued

 Federal prosecutors assigned to the Justice Department's
 campaign-finance task force are pursuing leads provided by Chung.
 They praised Chung's cooperation in U.S. District Court papers that
 remain sealed, in part, due to national security concerns, sources

 Chung's relationship with federal authorities took a dramatic turn
 last spring when teams of federal agents moved him and his family
 into protective custody, law enforcement sources told The Times.

 The FBI feared for Chung's safety after he received veiled threats
 and bribe offers from individuals pressing him to keep silent about
 his China dealings.  Those concerns grew after the FBI received
 information from overseas indicating that Chung could be in danger.

 For 21 days in May and June, Chung and his family were kept under
 24-hour guard in hotels near Los Angeles International Airport by
 teams of heavily armed FBI agents.  And, as recently as two weeks
 ago, special agents again secluded the Chung family in a Torrance
 hotel for three days over still-unexplained safety concerns.

 FBI officials in Washington and Los Angeles declined to discuss
 any of the actions or security measures.  But former FBI Director
 William H. Webster told The Times that taking such steps in a
 campaign finance investigation would be highly unusual.

 "This account suggests the FBI was taking this matter very
 seriously as a credible threat to this man and his family," said
 Webster, who also formerly headed the CIA.

 Justice Department spokesman Myron Marlin refused to comment Friday
 because of "an ongoing investigation."

 Law enforcement officials said that the investigation remains
 highly sensitive but refused to provide details or discuss the
 prospect for indictments.

 Chung declined to comment for this article, except to say that he
 has "already told the whole truth to the grand jury."  His
 attorney, Brian A. Sun, who also declined to be interviewed, added
 that Chung has "fulfilled his obligations to provide complete and
 accurate information" to investigators.

 Interviews with knowledgeable sources and documents obtained by
 The Times also disclosed that:

 + Soon after returning home from Hong Kong and his meeting with Ji,
   Chung hired the Chinese intelligence chief's son, then a UCLA
   student, to work at his Torrance fax business in late 1996.

 + Chung began providing information to federal prosecutors earlier
   than previously known -- a full year before he had reached a plea
   agreement with the Justice Department in March 1998.
   Investigators were given access to Chung's Hong Kong bank records
   to assist their efforts to trace the $300,000 deposit back to its
   origins.  Most of the money never got to the Democratic Party on
   Clinton's behalf.

 + Chung has told investigators that Liu Chaoying said she and Ji
   also were relying on others to funnel funds into Democratic

 Ji works directly for Xiong Guangkai, the deputy chief of staff of
 the People's Liberation Army, who supervises all intelligence and
 foreign policy for the army.  Xiong is a politically powerful
 figure in China and a close ally of Chinese President Jiang Zemin.

 In Beijing, an officer at the central National Defense Ministry,
 which oversees the army, denied any connection between Ji and Chung
 in providing U.S. campaign donations.

 "This matter is groundless," said the officer, who spoke on the
 condition that he not be named.

 The disclosures linking China's military intelligence chief to
 donations to Democrats in 1996 are likely to complicate the already
 troubled relationship between Washington and Beijing.

 Members of Congress are clamoring for a reassessment of relations
 with Beijing over both trade and human rights issues.  The U.S.
 government also is investigating allegations that China engaged in
 espionage to steal sensitive nuclear military secrets from the Los
 Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

 Previously, the only publicly known link between the Chinese
 government and illicit funding for Clinton's reelection was an
 indirect tie through Liu, the lieutenant colonel and former Chung
 business associate.

 Her role in providing Chinese army money to Chung for campaign
 donations was first reported by the New York Times in May.

 Liu did not respond Friday to questions sent by the Los Angeles
 Times to her office in Hong Kong.

 Now, disclosure of the $300,000 that Ji reportedly earmarked for
 Clinton's campaign implicates the highest echelon of China's
 intelligence apparatus in a covert plan to influence the
 presidential election.

 The $300,000 deposited into Chung's account in the Overseas Trust
 Bank in August 1996 -- three months before the November election --
 was hung up temporarily because it had to be converted from U.S.
 dollars to Hong Kong currency.  One source told The Times that the
 extra step associated with the exchange later helped federal
 investigators trace the funds.

 Asked what evidence corroborated Chung's account of his meetings
 with Ji, one law enforcement source familiar with the investigation
 said tersely:  "Follow the money."

 Three Checks to Democratic Committee

 Five weeks after receiving the Chinese funds, federal election
 records show, Chung donated $35,000 in three checks to the
 Democratic National Committee, which helped reelect Clinton.  The
 remaining funds were transferred into one of Chung's California
 bank accounts; it is not known how that money was used.

 Rick Hess, a spokesman for the DNC, said that the party "was
 unaware of any supposed relationship" between Chung and the
 Chinese government at the time of the contributions.  In 1997,
 the Democrats returned a total of $366,000 donated by Chung over
 a three-year period.

 Shortly after the Nov. 5 election, Chung became the subject of
 intense public scrutiny after the Los Angeles Times disclosed his
 involvement in the campaign finance scandal.  From that point on,
 Chung made no further contributions.

 The existence of a covert Chinese government plan to support
 Clinton has been hotly debated since Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.)
 opened Senate investigative hearings in 1997 with a charge that
 there was such a scheme.

 Republicans repeatedly claimed that the Chinese sought to help
 Clinton defeat former Sen. Bob Dole, but they have failed to prove
 it.  The president's defenders blamed some improper foreign
 donations on a group of overzealous supporters who exploited
 loopholes in the campaign finance system.  The DNC has denied any
 knowledge of a "China plan."

 For the last two years, China has rejected in the strongest terms
 any connection to the American fund-raising scandal.

 "China never interferes in other countries' internal affairs,"
 President Jiang told a live television audience during Clinton's
 trip to China last summer.

 A few weeks before Jiang's televised remarks, FBI officials had
 information that led them to believe Chung might be in danger.
 The agency responded by imposing extraordinary security measures
 to protect its key witness:  More than 40 agents were assigned to
 guard Chung, his wife and three children for three weeks.

 During this period when Chung and his family were kept in hiding,
 FBI counterintelligence agents also monitored groups of Chinese
 visitors traveling in Southern California, according to law
 enforcement and other sources.  At least one group was regarded by
 U.S. intelligence operatives as a possible "hit squad," said one
 federal law enforcement official.

 No attempt was made to harm Chung or his family.  One federal law
 enforcement source said that there is no evidence today that the
 visitors were sent to target Chung.

 Chung Well Known in China

 Well before Johnny Chung met Gen. Ji, the businessman already was
 well known in China as a man with access to the White House -- a
 byproduct of his financial generosity with the DNC.

 Chung was particularly adept at opening the doors of the White
 House to Chinese visitors who were his guests for tours and public
 events where they could be photographed with Clinton.

 He met Liu in July 1996.  She was not only a ranking military
 officer but also vice president of a Hong Kong subsidiary of China
 Aerospace Corp., a government-owned company that deals in
 satellite technology and missile sales.

 A business relationship between Liu and Chung flourished
 immediately.  They established a partnership to develop a fishery
 in south China.  And they formed Marswell Investment Inc. in
 California to develop trade in telecommunications equipment.

 Chung also helped Liu obtain visas to visit the U.S. and later
 arranged a meeting for her and other Chinese associates at the
 Securities and Exchange Commission.

 Beijing had reason to prefer Clinton over his Republican
 challenger.  Historically, China preferred dealing with second-term
 presidents, feeling they can be more pragmatic in the face of
 anti-China public opinion.

 In spring 1996, Dole endorsed creation of a ballistic missile
 defense system for China's neighbors, including Taiwan.  Dole also
 suggested providing new defensive weapon systems to Taiwan.

 Moreover, on July 6, 1996, Clinton's then national security
 advisor, Anthony Lake, went to China to reassure leaders and tell
 them that Jiang would be welcomed to Washington for a state visit
 after the election.  (Jiang came to Washington the following year.)

 Twelve days later, Chung brought Liu to a Democratic fund-raiser
 featuring Clinton at the private residence of Los Angeles real
 estate magnate Eli Broad.

 The next month, Chung traveled to China via Hong Kong.  While in
 China, he was summoned back to Hong Kong for a meeting that an
 associate described as "important for our business," Chung told
 federal investigators.

 When Chung arrived in Hong Kong on Aug. 11, he was introduced to Ji
 by his business partner Liu.  Chung told investigators that Ji's
 rank and government affiliation were not immediately apparent and
 that the general used a false name during that initial encounter.

 It was during this meeting that Ji observed:  "We like your
 president," before talking about providing money to help the
 Clinton reelection effort, Chung told investigators.  Ji said he
 was going to provide some funds for Liu to give to Chung, sources
 familiar with Chung's grand jury testimony said.

 Chung told federal investigators that he tried to tell Liu outside
 the meeting that he didn't want Ji's money.  Liu, in turn,
 attempted to reassure Chung by telling him that they already were
 engaged in similar transactions with others serving as conduits for
 Chinese funds to support Clinton's reelection.

 Within a couple of days, Liu moved $300,000 into Chung's Hong Kong
 bank account.  She told him it was from Ji.  By that time, Chung
 was aware of Ji's position and decided he could not refuse the
 money, according to his account to investigators.

 Like Liu, Ji is the offspring of a politically prominent father.
 Ji Pengfei served as China's foreign minister from 1972 to 1974 and
 later as a vice chairman of the National People's Congress.  The
 elder Ji also supervised negotiations over the future of Hong Kong
 and helped draft the Basic Law under which Hong Kong is ruled.

 More significantly, the younger Ji is head of Qingbaobu, the wing
 of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army that is in
 charge of military intelligence.  His responsibilities also include
 military intelligence in Hong Kong.

 Gen. Ji, who is in his mid-50s, was promoted to this post in 1992
 during a closed five-day session of the Central Military Commission
 chaired at the time by future President Jiang.  Ji has kept a low
 profile since that time and seldom appears in news accounts.

 After Ji's initial meeting with Chung, the two men joined Liu on
 another occasion for dinner.  Details from that session could not
 be obtained.

 A third encounter took place in Beijing in late September 1996.
 Chung carried a congratulatory letter to a Beijing University
 student from U.S. Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley and
 sought help from Liu in finding the student.  She arrived at
 Chung's hotel with Ji.  No further details about that meeting were

 In the U.S., the campaign finance scandal was about to break.  By
 late October 1996, Chung was, as he said in an interview later,
 "too hot to touch."  The controversy surrounding Chung intensified
 as the foreign-money scandal heated up.  He never again spoke
 directly with Liu, he told investigators.  Other Chinese partners
 asked Chung to resign from business ventures.

 In March 1997, Chung signed a letter granting federal prosecutor
 Michael McCaul authority to obtain all of his Hong Kong bank
 records, including documentation related to the Ji and Liu
 transactions.  That paper trail confirmed key aspects of Chung's
 story implicating China's military intelligence, sources said.

 Chung's official cooperation with the Justice Department began
 with extensive interviews and legal proffers at the end of 1997.
 He told investigators about his meetings with Ji and identified the
 general from an FBI photo lineup, sources said.

 Chung Agrees to Terms

 In March 1998, Chung agreed to terms with prosecutors.  He would
 plead guilty to misdemeanor election law violations, as well as
 felony tax evasion and bank fraud, and cooperate with
 investigators.  But the level of cooperation soon went well beyond
 answering questions and turning over records.

 In April, about a month after press accounts reported his deal with
 federal investigators, Chung was approached by a San Gabriel Valley
 businessman, who said he was an associate of Liu.

 That session was secretly recorded by the FBI and videotaped with a
 camera hidden in a clock.  In a conversation conducted in Chinese,
 the businessman offered Chung a carrot and a stick.

 According to sources familiar with the investigation, the
 businessman advised Chung to keep silent about his contacts with
 Ji.  In return, Chung would receive funds sufficient "to live very
 comfortably."  But the businessman suggested that Chung and his
 family could have safety concerns if the offer was ignored, the
 sources said.

 The threats were veiled but ominous, the sources said, declining to
 provide details.

 Furthermore, the businessman advised Chung to go to jail if
 necessary, assuring Chung that friends in high places would support
 him.  The businessman even suggested that Chung could expect to be
 pardoned by the president.

 On May 15, Chung carried a concealed recording device into another
 meeting with the businessman, sources said.  That same day, the
 New York Times published a story reporting for the first time that
 Chung had linked Liu and the Chinese military to some of his DNC

 Later that day, U.S. counterintelligence agents received some
 unspecified information that caused concern for Chung's immediate

 Within hours, Chung and his family, including two children of
 preschool age, were escorted by heavily armed FBI agents to the
 Embassy Suites on Imperial Highway in El Segundo.

 The stay at the Embassy Suites was brief.  During breakfast the
 next morning in the hotel dining area, an FBI agent sitting across
 from Chung looked up from his coffee to see a news report that
 showed a large image of the man he was protecting on a big-screen

 The FBI, believing that its hide-out may have been compromised,
 promptly moved the Chung family to the nearby Summerfield Inn,
 also in El Segundo.

 Thereafter, the Chung family was largely restricted to a hotel
 suite.  Whenever Chung left the room, he was instructed to wear
 a baseball cap and sunglasses to disguise his appearance.

 Chung's eldest daughter, a top student at Cerritos High School,
 was unable to return for final exams.  An FBI agent arranged with
 the school principal for the girl to skip the tests.  Another FBI
 bodyguard later escorted her to graduation rehearsals.

 Chung began to chafe at the security restrictions.

 "They had agents baby-sitting him around the clock," said a federal
 law enforcement official.  "He got tired of living like that. . . .
 It was like he was under house arrest."

 Federal Agents Keep Vigil

 Even after Chung and his family returned to their Artesia home
 in time for their daughter's June 15 graduation ceremony, federal
 agents kept a security vigil in the neighborhood, law enforcement
 sources confirmed.

 Chung still was receiving federal protection last summer when
 Clinton visited China and President Jiang called claims of Chinese
 interference in the U.S. political system "very absurd and

 Late last fall, Chung appeared before the Washington grand jury
 investigating campaign finance abuses to provide his account of
 contacts with Ji that sharply contradicts Jiang's denial.

 Chung's odyssey to the center of international scandal and
 intrigue had an unlikely beginning.  In the mid-1980s, he was a
 busboy at a Holiday Inn in the San Gabriel Valley, an intense young
 immigrant from Taiwan struggling to overcome a heavy accent and
 empty pockets.

 By the early 1990s, he had built a small but profitable company
 around a service that provided mass fax distribution for corporate
 and government clients.  Among his first customers was then-Gov.
 Pete Wilson's office.

 By 1994, Chung was trading money for access to the highest levels
 of the U.S. government.

 Chung "got caught up in this system," his attorney, Sun, told a
 federal judge just before he was sentenced last December.  It was
 Chung's way of opening doors and getting to "hobnob with the big
 boys and girls."

 U.S. District Judge Manuel L. Real in Los Angeles expressed
 skepticism at claims made by DNC officials that they had no idea
 Chung's money might have had foreign origins.

 He said if they "didn't know what was going on, they are the
 dumbest politicians" in his experience.  Real then sentenced Chung
 to community service instead of a prison term.

 Since his guilty plea, Chung has fallen on hard times.  He owes
 about $500,000 in back taxes and legal fees, and his business is
 ailing, Sun acknowledged.

 Chung has made informal contacts with publishers proposing a book
 about his experiences trading money for access to the White House,
 and about his personal, religious and political passage.
 No contract has been signed or negotiated, Sun said.

          * * *

 Times staff writers Jim Mann in Washington and Henry Chu in
 Beijing, and researcher Janet Lundblad in Los Angeles contributed
 to this article.

 Hear Rempel discuss this story on The Times' Web site at:

          * * *

 Chung and China


 Aug. 2

 Chung gives his first $11,000 to the Democratic National Committee
 at President Clinton's 48th birthday party.  He will donate a total
 of $366,000 to the DNC by the 1996 election.

 Dec. 20

 Chung squires a Chinese beer maker to meet Clinton at a White House
 Christmas party, helping to establish Chung's ability to get
 Chinese access to Clinton.  He will make 50 White House visits.


 March 11

 Chung brings six business associates to the Oval Office for
 Clinton's weekly radio address.



 Chung visits China and meets Liu Chaoying, a lieutenant colonel in
 the Chinese military and an executive of a Chinese government-owned
 aerospace company.

 July 18

 After helping Liu obtain a visa, Chung brings Liu to a Democratic
 fund-raising dinner with Clinton at a private home in Los Angeles.

 Aug. 9

 Chung and Liu form Marswell Investment Inc. in Torrance, Calif.

 Aug. 11

 In Hong Kong, Liu introduces Chung to Gen. Ji Shengde, chief of
 Chinese military intelligence.  Ji, using an assumed name, asks
 Chung to act as a conduit for campaign donations to help reelect

 Aug. 14

 A $300,000 wire transfer arrives in Chung's Hong Kong bank account
 sent by Liu at the direction of Ji.  Chung later donates a portion
 of these funds to the DNC.


 Chung returns to China, where he meets Liu and Ji again.



 Chung gives access to his Hong Kong bank account to federal
 investigators to assist their efforts to trace the $300,000 to
 its origins.


 Chung opens formal negotiations with prosecutors and does first
 of numerous interviews with them.


 March 5

 Chung agrees to plead guilty to felony tax evasion and bank fraud
 unrelated to fund-raising and misdemeanor election law violations.


 An associate of Liu offers money and a veiled threat to persuade
 Chung to keep silent about his contacts with Ji.  The FBI records
 the encounter on a hidden video camera.  Chung, wearing an FBI
 wire, meets with the Liu associate periodically over the next
 several months.

 May 15

 The New York Times reports that Chung told federal investigators
 that the Chinese army was the source of funds given him by Liu for
 1996 Democratic contributions.

 Fearing for Chung's safety, the FBI abruptly takes him and his
 family to hotels near Los Angeles International Airport, where
 they are protected by heavily armed agents for 21 days.


 The FBI monitors two groups of Chinese visitors traveling in
 Southern California, at least one of which was regarded by
 intelligence operatives as a possible "hit squad."  No attempt
 is made to harm Chung or his family.

 Dec. 15

 U.S. District Judge Manuel L. Real sentences Chung to five years'
 probation for funneling illegal contributions into the 1996
 election campaign.  Real says he's "surprised that the attorney
 general has eschewed appointment of a special prosecutor."  The
 Justice Department endorses a lesser sentence than called for by
 federal guidelines because Chung provided valuable leads.



 News accounts that the Chinese stole sensitive nuclear technology
 from the Los Alamos laboratory trigger charges that the Clinton
 administration was slow to address suspicions of espionage or
 inform Congress because it did not want to damage relations with

 April 8

 Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji is set to meet Clinton at White House.

          * * *

 Sources:  Government records, interviews, House Government Reform
 and Oversight Committee report and news accounts

 Copyright 1999 Los Angeles Times.  All Rights Reserved

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